balloon sculpting :D

went out with yap today! awesome slackness! love it! :D i think i'm spending too much on cosmetics! LOL! but i think its worth it for girls, yeah?
finally got to wear a checkered shirt out! my wish came true :D i made it sound like its a big deal LOL! but i seriously took months to find a checkered shirt i liked, together with the price that suits my eyes $.$
Went to try the Yigloo yogurt, not bad! loads of yogurt + loads of toppings = worth it! (Y)

went shopping after that, spent quite a lot today, but its worthwhile ! At least must pamper yourself once in a while right?? Today is like totally relax! Walk and chatted whole day, awesome! Finally got to try the Baguette I wanted to try for so long! Not as nice as I expected luh, but its Viet inspired deli! Must support vietnam food ! 自己人!

Went to the boardwalk and took a stroll there, met a lame couple with lame jokes, their jokes cmi but must entertain luh!
Oh ya! i finally bought my balloons! I love balloon sculpting man! Cuteness overload ♥.

My very first balloon sculpture! :D I always wanted a balloon sword! but i dont dare to get it from the clowns :/ they're so scary! (Except for The Dark Knight, Joker! Cute max)
They never fail to amaze me ! How can a stick turn to so many patterns?? I gonna learn to do many patterns! Maybe i can work as a part-time entertainer? LOL!

 both of us trying some "act-chio" smile, without showing our teeth! FREAKIN TOUGH TO DO MAN! i dont understand how some girls can smile without showing their teeth! Pro X100000000000

I know this may sound random, but read underaged-girl's blog last night. Her Pudding passed away, and the  way she wrote, seriously... 98% similar to mine! I'm amazed, at the same time, weeping away~ She wrote EXACTLY how I felt when Mochi passed away! When I started reading her post, my eyes are welling up with tears. When I read further down, I started to sob away... Especially the part when she bury Pudding, like how I buried Mochi outside my house T.T Its the toughest part of all, carrying his cold stiffen body and looking at him for the last time.

"I don't think I'm going to get another pet after this, so I'll always remember you as my first and my only pet."

Totally how I thought after Mochi left! Its really cool when someone can write out exactly how you feel, felt real great because someone seems to understand how you feel! (Although she dont even know my existence -.-) Still, I miss Mochi ;) He's like the best hamster on earth 

Alright, enough said. Time to zzzzzZZZZZzzZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzz....... :P
Working seven days straight at Cine, starting from tomorrow! UGA UGA!

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