Work :D

Unexpectedly relaxing work! Super slack indeed! LOL! I dont mind working this job if I've got time LOL!
Its just waiting for people to come, stick labels on their forms, pass to cashier, sit down daydream :P Made new friends too! One is the label man: Azaar (idk how to spell LOL) and my queue buddy: Madelene! Super friendly people! Kept chatting with them, cause all of us sat together at one table and daydream together :3
Met mum for lunch cause' my working place is the building next to hers! WOOTS! \m/ can see she very excited and happy, HAHAHAHAH! <3 Brought me around her office telling people I'm her daughter :P

Common comments: 
Woah~ Look like you leh! Really look alike!! Woah~~~~
Woah, then where's you the other daughter? 
*Stare at me* You look familiar leh... ORHHH! You are the who's daughter right??? the... ah! Jesslin's daughter! :D
Woah~~ Look very different liao leh! Last time see you small small, now grow tall liao, pretty liao worh~ Face different liao, last time kiddy kiddy look.

LOL! Mummy's friends like a cute man! LOL! :P
After that took bus 851 to khatib and went slackslack at jiamin's house! Cause' jonas want watch 2012 together, LOL! But I'm too tired to watch movie with full concentration, so went dinner with dad and went home. :P really damn tired! this few days :/

For my pass 17 years of my life, I have never not response to an alarm clock before! And THIS MORNING, I OVERSLEPT EVEN THOUGH I SET 3 ALARMS CLOCKS! I REPEAT. THREEEEEE ALARM CLOCKS! OMFG! O.O I'm seriously depriving from sleep. LOL.
Damn worried if history would repeat itself tomorrow morning -.-...... *pray hard*

I agree, I like putting my songs on shuffle mode! Cause I like surprises! :P Also because I learnt my lesson ever since 公公 passed away. I remember the time when he met with that darn fucking accident in Johor, which caused him seriously injured. He was admitted to the redred hospital which we always pass by when we enter Malaysia by the Danga Bay road. We had to go back and forth to the hospital due to his unstable condition, and we spent most of the time in the car and me sticking in my earpiece listening to S.H.E. 謝謝你的溫柔, 五月天 and 中國話. I kept of repeating so many times till I learn how to sing the songs within a day! Thats considered fast for me. But at the same time, whenever I heard these songs, I'll remember the sadness of me looking at 公公 for the very last time. We wanted to go hospital to visit 公公 and were on the way, never did we know, the nurse called jiujiu up and say 公公 cannot make it alr, come quickly. T.T My MP3 was still stuck in my ear with the same songs. After the doctor pronounced him dead, mum and others stayed at Malaysia to settle the funeral stuffs, while me and my bro and dad went home first to pack up our clothes and all. Mummy even asked me if I'm okay sleeping alone in my room that night. Of course I'm okay! He's my 公公. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if I could dream of him or "see" him, at least I can speak with him. I really regretted not taking more photos with him and chatting with him more. Reallyreally regretted alot. Cried my eyes out whenever I was reminded of this regret. 
Remembering the time when amanda or whoever during sec two, play the 謝謝你的溫柔 through the class sound system, I immediately requested for the music to stop, but they didnt want to cause I didnt want to explain, and i cried. lol -.-
Sigh, I hope 公公 has reincarnated to a cute baby boy with great future and looks. :)

shall end this post with a happy note ! :P

Alright, shall go surfsurf around the net and LIGHTS OUT !  *poof*

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