it's been a long time since i blogged. I actually opened for like 1034564859430000 times, but every time I would just leave that tab there and go watch vids -.-
no moooooood luh ._.
why i dont have mood? very simple, BECAUSE I'VE BEEN STUCK IN EXPO FOR LIKE THREE CONSECUTIVE DAYZXZXZX! oh my mama! seriously, weekends meant to be relaxing days, but i end up standing for 10 plus hours (leg sore x.x)
Being cashier has always been my dream job, no joke... lol! My whole family knows that ! See how big my dream is? -.- Still remembering the time when my family surprises me by bringing me to Toys"R"Us and bought me this Hello Kitty Cashier! I literally went crazy after that! Every day find things to "buy" and key into my cashier.

Finally I was given a chance to be cashier! Was damn excited BEFORE i tried.
AFTER i tried..........

especially when there's like a whole lot of people queue-ing infront of you suddenly,
i seriously think this people came as a group man! it was so quiet, then one appear and 2ND FOLLOWS, THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH, BLAHHHHH~ fuck man! thats when my brain goes WOOOH~ @.@
why cant they just come one by one? why must they buy xbox/wii? why must xbox/wii have serial numbers?! why why why?! *CALMS DOWN* okay. still, after getting a feel of being cashier.... NEW EXPERIENCE! At least i fulfilled my wish/dream job :D the only thing i learnt is to stay steady even if there's huge number of people. I just remembered i got punked by two bastards. -.-
Two ahbengs took a PS3 game, one started to giggle, and both of them walked to the PSP area. After browsing, one guy turned to me and ask if they're gain city staffs, will they get staff discount. (god knows why his friend kept giggling)

Guy: eh! if i got gain city staff pass, will i get staff discount anot uh? (giggle cuz his friend giggle, probably feeling ashamed asking this type of question -.-)
Me: err, no -.-
*trance walk towards us, i think he felt these two guys behaviour weirdweird*
Guy: huh, okay lo...
Me: * give the "what the fuck" to trance *

Awhile later, they came to the cashier to make their payment.
Me: total will be 39.90, payment by? :)
Guy: Visa *hands over card*
Me: okay, *insert card and key amount*
-----waiting for machine to print receipt and let him sign---------------
then i realised the back of his card wasn't signed, so i asked him POLITELY to sign at the back of his card as well, otherwise his card is not valid. GOD KNOWS WHY HE GOT SO AGITATED! fucker.
Me: Sorry, can you sign at the back of your card as well? :)
Guy: Why must I sign? There's no need to, other shops also never ask me sign, I dont sign on my other cards as well! Why must i do it for you? *shows me his other cards*
HELLO! i dont fucking care whether you got sign for your card dude! Can you freaking read english? perhaps you're illiterate, let translate it to ahbeng language, CARD BUAY SAI ENG IF NO SIGN! UNDERSTAND?! =.=
So... I tried to tell him nicely that we are doing this for security reasons, even huini came to help.
Huini: sorry sir, if you dont want to sign, we will have to check your ID for verification reasons.
Guy: Check lo, no as if my ID got my english name.
Me: Can i see your ID ? *inside my mind: cant you just sign your fucking card?! not as if yours is platinum gold right?!*
Guy: *gives ID with is bu shuang face*
Me: *checks for surname* thank you . -.-

seriously damn pissed just by looking at his face, idiot!
Anyway, I'm too lazy to blog about my Malacca trip, maybe when i feel like it, i'll blog about it :P
But I'm super contented with this trip!!!!!! Awesome! Probably because we stay in suites and i finally bought my checkered shirt!!!! WOOHOOOOOO! CHEER FOR ME! :DDDD

finally got them, i actually planned to have one, but ended up i bought the yellow one today at New Look! alrights, its enough for me! :D i shall look for another type of shirt as a goal! :P

I seriously falling in love with Dance central man! DANCE CENTRAL I want a KINECTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!! Dance Central 2 coming out ! Can two people dance together at the same time! awesome max! :D

Just saw this vPost : by Singpost!

 Awesome, can buy stuffs from USA, Europe, Japan and China! totally gonna try this :D

okay, I'll stop here. Gonna rest as much as I can till i start work at Playcraft event this thurs at cine! SEVEN CONSECUTIVE DAYS! whats 3 days compare to this?! LOL! bless me uh! ._.

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