Its been quite hectic since last monday! But i like! :3 better than rotting my life of at home !
Took loads of photos ! I should start taking photos of the people I'm with, places I went, the things I did, the food I ate etc. Slowly I will keep a 10000000000000000000000000 photos and when I look back, it'll bring back loads of memories~ Photos <3


P.S. didnt post this particular photo on facebook! but I cant 违背良心 :/ SO....... I decided to post on my bloggy! HEAH HEAH HEAH >:P

Life's been so much better ever since I let it go, *proud of myself* :D let nature takes its course....
Tomorrow gonna work some shitty work, so random! health checkups? LOL. Who cares? Work = $$$$
After tomorrow, gonna work at expo at daven's work! (Y) $$$$$ cant wait for money to come! WOOHOO!


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