HOOHOO! Went Vivo for CA outing yesterday, better than expected :D We went to watch Spy Kids 4D movie. Call itself 4D when they just gave us an aroma card?! LOL! When it comes to 4D movie, Disneyland's one is the best! (Y) The chairs would move, spray us water, let out smell of pie~ I miss Disneyland :3
Anyway, back to Spy Kids.
Its quite nice if you don't use your brains! Serious. Cause' I like to imagine weird gadgets (don't envy my creativeness okay! :P) So this movie suits me best! Somemore it brings back memories of the time when i watched Spy Kids 1, childhood times~ But the guys don't seem to like the movie, even though they suggested to watch it -.- LOL! They found it ridiculous! HAHAHA! See! not bringing brain out ain't a bad idea! WOOHOO!
Before we went to watch spy kids, we went to the outdoor area for CA meeting, a super short one LOL.
Then went Long John for lunch. The others went up to the rooftop to slack, while Cu er and me had a secret mission. HEAH HEAH >:P
We went to basement to buy a birthday cake for Ying Ying, looked around and finally bought a Chocolate truffle cake at Prima Deli (yumyum). Then we went up to a shop next to long john, its like sometime most kids would do when they're young. They have loads of cartoons to choose from, and after choosing the cartoon you want, pay money then you can sit down and paint your cartoon. After that, sending it into the oven to bake it/dry it. Still don't get what I'm saying? I guess I just have to show a picture uh? XP Its something like this:
but we did a cute Deer for her, TEEHEE! Its fun man! We should do this for everyone's birthday! So thoughtful of us! Right Cu Er?? :PPPPP
We brought the cake up to the roof, placing the candles, but have no LIGHTER! WOOHOO! So we asked her to imagine there's flames and just actact blowing the candles! SMART YEAH? :D
After eating the cake on pathetic one ply tissue, we chatted awhile and then headed for movie !

Went Farrer Park for dinner after movie, shared sushi with cu er! Chatted long enough about our house at malaysia! 
Zoom out: WOAH DAMN NEAR ! Zoom in : ehh, quite far leh... 
I went home and check, we're 2.6km away from each other! HAHAHAH! about 32 mins walk :P still okay lah (Y) 
After dinner, we all headed back home sweet home :) 

Time to get ready to go orchard! WOOHOO! :P

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