Feels so great to be back blogging! It's been almost 2 years since I've blogged! Pfft! I'm seriously growing old toooooooooooooooooooooooooo fast! In a blink of an eye, I'm going to graduate from Singapore Poly in three months time! Terrified yet excited for what the future has in store for me! Will I be able to do what I love? Or will I just live a boring life in a tiny cubicle keying entries into systems? HELL NO! I'm going to travel all around the countries taking videos! THAT'S WHAT I'M GOING TO DO! \m/ U.U \m/ Watching Jacksgap's, Thatcherjoe's and many other youtubers' videos truly inspired me greatly! They also reminded me of my tuition teacher. Few years back, I attended A-Math tuition classes somewhere near my house. My teacher was quite like a friend rather than a teacher! Sharing things with each other was quite a norm. So there was this very day, I showed him photos of my pet hamster, Mochi, and he was amazed with my photography skills (p.s. I'm not very good at it! Just that he expected blurry photos when it comes to hyperactive animals like hamsters) and he said,: "actually, you have a flair for photography." Whut? You mean I actually had a talent? Nah, can't be true!
Even though I knew that that was just a brief comment, it was stuck in my brain FOR YEARS! It was one of the reasons why I liked photography and filming videos. So yeah, thanks! :)

Wow, how did I even linked to my tuition teacher?! OHWELL

Anyways! I'm going try to blog often and not leave this blog to rot! TTYL.

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