
Chinese New Year Photos Part 2 :D

Happy Valentine's and Friendship Day! <3

Thanks Andy for the wonderful gifts! :D <3 Love them all! TEEHEE! I guess this is my first time celebrating Valentine's Day with those wonderful peeps! HAHAHA! Went Helix Bridge with Joey Andy ChungZheng Jonas Jerome and Geraldine :D Thanks Jerome for the rose! So pretty :3 And Pauline's cake pop was like so damn awesome! So addictive!~~ Great day :D

Took a photo of Jerome's rose, or should I say petals? They all fell of on the second day, or was I too rough?! :/ Still, I kept them in a bowl of water, look so classy :D
I was amazed by my camera! It could actually take such clear photo?! :DDDD
Alright, that's all folks!

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