
okay... I should be rushing my PLJ(waste of my time) but.... Its just darn boring yea'know?! On top of that, I just had the feel to blog! So yeap! ^^ I'm here to blog, like a finally~

Went to study with Jonas they all today and yesterday! Can you freakin believe it?! I went to study?! Aww yeah! >:) Even Ceslie said I changed! AHAHAH! cute! XP I'm still as lazy as before, just that I have no much time to study and I'm lacking behind so really need to buck up alr! Somemore, the debate event thingy took up my whole weekend! Gotta make use of all my free time this week to study! Otherwise I'll just have to get ready to get a heart attack when I get my results! TEEHEE! :B Pray that I'll do better this time! ^^

Ugh! I want a pair of sneakers! But what should I get???? o.o

or this? ~.~ gorgeous...... *look below*

Maybe I should take one day of my study week to find my sneakers? Otherwise when camp prep starts.... I dont think I'll want to leave house during Sundays LOL! 
Tomorrow needa work Sushi Tei :/ alone again :( but nevermind! Can make friends easily ^^ Think positive!
Alright! Shall go back to that PLJ. -.- NIGHTS!

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