Badass? Alright then.

Aries "最近容易得到长辈和上司器重,对方将给你不少机会,好好表现将能开拓事业新局面."
woah... freaky... how those horoscope people can write out these stuffs so accurately? oO

Whatever we do, OR EVEN when we didn't do a single piece of shit. We're always the badass. We're always the one who are the BITCHES in the wrong. WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT IS THIS? So since we're labelled as bitches, devils or whatever shit, then why should we try so hard proving them wrong? really. I'm tired of this already. When will this end? I hate this kind of feeling. Really. ;( We're forever being the "bad guys". Really thank you many many. Currently, life sucks .

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