Shocked, Surprised, Happy, Excited, Worry.

Many things happen the past few days, mixed feelings :x Felt a little helpless in the start, really don't know who to talk to, or who I can talk to since its confidential. I really want to tell my close friends, but I guess its still not the correct time yeah? I hope time passes faster so I can finally throw this heavy stone in my heart AWAY! WOOHOO! :S
Feeling a little confused and helpless these few days, why everything became like this? Wasn't everything okay in the beginning? Must it turn sour all of a sudden? Sometimes I really felt like crying, but no way! I'm not those weak girls who cry when there's problems! Like it will help resolve any part of it! -.- I really hope time will heal, and you will really wake up. I really don't see the point wasting your life like this. It saddens and disappoints me, really. ;( Wake up.

Will time really heal? Its running out...

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