Things are getting better, I guess?

Woah, December already? Oh gosh! It's getting faster and faster! I don't even feel that months have past! >.< I'm getting older yea? :<
I finally got the time to blog, and yeap I guess things are getting better? Perhaps time really can heal, just how long it takes to. :) 
Watched Yirong's video and really makes me think, what if i'm that one-minute fly? What will I do within that one minute? :/ SHIT LA! Shitting is the best thing anyone can do yeaknow? Its like releasing it to the outside world! MWAHAHAHA! XD
Alright, shall stop that shit topic, otherwise I have to continue blogging in the toilet :P
MST coming! Lil scared that I'm one of the bottom ones again! ugh... Seriously 不知量力and enter such course! Should just enter some shitty course that matches my level lo -.- NEVERMIND! SHALL MAKE THE BEST OUT OF IT! NEVER GIVE UP RIGHT? :D
Just went to cut my fringe, and yeah, idk whether I regretted anot -.- sneak peek?

weird? ._. urgh forget it. I always get weird comments when i cut my fringe! #livewithit
My eyes really one big one small oO I HATE IT! :< plastic surgery? :/ maybe when I grow older :P shhhh!
alrightxzx! shall spam some photos and my mugging STARTS! 

And here's the reason why I started to like red...
it's because of him.....

I'm starting to like his songs! :>

Time's running out, I have seriously loads of things to do within such short period of time. I'm really afraid that I can't do it, but I'll try. No, not try.... It's must! I must prove those wrong! Wish me all the best!

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