balloon sculpting :D

went out with yap today! awesome slackness! love it! :D i think i'm spending too much on cosmetics! LOL! but i think its worth it for girls, yeah?
finally got to wear a checkered shirt out! my wish came true :D i made it sound like its a big deal LOL! but i seriously took months to find a checkered shirt i liked, together with the price that suits my eyes $.$
Went to try the Yigloo yogurt, not bad! loads of yogurt + loads of toppings = worth it! (Y)

went shopping after that, spent quite a lot today, but its worthwhile ! At least must pamper yourself once in a while right?? Today is like totally relax! Walk and chatted whole day, awesome! Finally got to try the Baguette I wanted to try for so long! Not as nice as I expected luh, but its Viet inspired deli! Must support vietnam food ! 自己人!

Went to the boardwalk and took a stroll there, met a lame couple with lame jokes, their jokes cmi but must entertain luh!
Oh ya! i finally bought my balloons! I love balloon sculpting man! Cuteness overload ♥.

My very first balloon sculpture! :D I always wanted a balloon sword! but i dont dare to get it from the clowns :/ they're so scary! (Except for The Dark Knight, Joker! Cute max)
They never fail to amaze me ! How can a stick turn to so many patterns?? I gonna learn to do many patterns! Maybe i can work as a part-time entertainer? LOL!

 both of us trying some "act-chio" smile, without showing our teeth! FREAKIN TOUGH TO DO MAN! i dont understand how some girls can smile without showing their teeth! Pro X100000000000

I know this may sound random, but read underaged-girl's blog last night. Her Pudding passed away, and the  way she wrote, seriously... 98% similar to mine! I'm amazed, at the same time, weeping away~ She wrote EXACTLY how I felt when Mochi passed away! When I started reading her post, my eyes are welling up with tears. When I read further down, I started to sob away... Especially the part when she bury Pudding, like how I buried Mochi outside my house T.T Its the toughest part of all, carrying his cold stiffen body and looking at him for the last time.

"I don't think I'm going to get another pet after this, so I'll always remember you as my first and my only pet."

Totally how I thought after Mochi left! Its really cool when someone can write out exactly how you feel, felt real great because someone seems to understand how you feel! (Although she dont even know my existence -.-) Still, I miss Mochi ;) He's like the best hamster on earth 

Alright, enough said. Time to zzzzzZZZZZzzZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZZZZzzzz....... :P
Working seven days straight at Cine, starting from tomorrow! UGA UGA!


it's been a long time since i blogged. I actually opened for like 1034564859430000 times, but every time I would just leave that tab there and go watch vids -.-
no moooooood luh ._.
why i dont have mood? very simple, BECAUSE I'VE BEEN STUCK IN EXPO FOR LIKE THREE CONSECUTIVE DAYZXZXZX! oh my mama! seriously, weekends meant to be relaxing days, but i end up standing for 10 plus hours (leg sore x.x)
Being cashier has always been my dream job, no joke... lol! My whole family knows that ! See how big my dream is? -.- Still remembering the time when my family surprises me by bringing me to Toys"R"Us and bought me this Hello Kitty Cashier! I literally went crazy after that! Every day find things to "buy" and key into my cashier.

Finally I was given a chance to be cashier! Was damn excited BEFORE i tried.
AFTER i tried..........

especially when there's like a whole lot of people queue-ing infront of you suddenly,
i seriously think this people came as a group man! it was so quiet, then one appear and 2ND FOLLOWS, THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH, BLAHHHHH~ fuck man! thats when my brain goes WOOOH~ @.@
why cant they just come one by one? why must they buy xbox/wii? why must xbox/wii have serial numbers?! why why why?! *CALMS DOWN* okay. still, after getting a feel of being cashier.... NEW EXPERIENCE! At least i fulfilled my wish/dream job :D the only thing i learnt is to stay steady even if there's huge number of people. I just remembered i got punked by two bastards. -.-
Two ahbengs took a PS3 game, one started to giggle, and both of them walked to the PSP area. After browsing, one guy turned to me and ask if they're gain city staffs, will they get staff discount. (god knows why his friend kept giggling)

Guy: eh! if i got gain city staff pass, will i get staff discount anot uh? (giggle cuz his friend giggle, probably feeling ashamed asking this type of question -.-)
Me: err, no -.-
*trance walk towards us, i think he felt these two guys behaviour weirdweird*
Guy: huh, okay lo...
Me: * give the "what the fuck" to trance *

Awhile later, they came to the cashier to make their payment.
Me: total will be 39.90, payment by? :)
Guy: Visa *hands over card*
Me: okay, *insert card and key amount*
-----waiting for machine to print receipt and let him sign---------------
then i realised the back of his card wasn't signed, so i asked him POLITELY to sign at the back of his card as well, otherwise his card is not valid. GOD KNOWS WHY HE GOT SO AGITATED! fucker.
Me: Sorry, can you sign at the back of your card as well? :)
Guy: Why must I sign? There's no need to, other shops also never ask me sign, I dont sign on my other cards as well! Why must i do it for you? *shows me his other cards*
HELLO! i dont fucking care whether you got sign for your card dude! Can you freaking read english? perhaps you're illiterate, let translate it to ahbeng language, CARD BUAY SAI ENG IF NO SIGN! UNDERSTAND?! =.=
So... I tried to tell him nicely that we are doing this for security reasons, even huini came to help.
Huini: sorry sir, if you dont want to sign, we will have to check your ID for verification reasons.
Guy: Check lo, no as if my ID got my english name.
Me: Can i see your ID ? *inside my mind: cant you just sign your fucking card?! not as if yours is platinum gold right?!*
Guy: *gives ID with is bu shuang face*
Me: *checks for surname* thank you . -.-

seriously damn pissed just by looking at his face, idiot!
Anyway, I'm too lazy to blog about my Malacca trip, maybe when i feel like it, i'll blog about it :P
But I'm super contented with this trip!!!!!! Awesome! Probably because we stay in suites and i finally bought my checkered shirt!!!! WOOHOOOOOO! CHEER FOR ME! :DDDD

finally got them, i actually planned to have one, but ended up i bought the yellow one today at New Look! alrights, its enough for me! :D i shall look for another type of shirt as a goal! :P

I seriously falling in love with Dance central man! DANCE CENTRAL I want a KINECTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!! Dance Central 2 coming out ! Can two people dance together at the same time! awesome max! :D

Just saw this vPost : by Singpost!

 Awesome, can buy stuffs from USA, Europe, Japan and China! totally gonna try this :D

okay, I'll stop here. Gonna rest as much as I can till i start work at Playcraft event this thurs at cine! SEVEN CONSECUTIVE DAYS! whats 3 days compare to this?! LOL! bless me uh! ._.

Work :D

Unexpectedly relaxing work! Super slack indeed! LOL! I dont mind working this job if I've got time LOL!
Its just waiting for people to come, stick labels on their forms, pass to cashier, sit down daydream :P Made new friends too! One is the label man: Azaar (idk how to spell LOL) and my queue buddy: Madelene! Super friendly people! Kept chatting with them, cause all of us sat together at one table and daydream together :3
Met mum for lunch cause' my working place is the building next to hers! WOOTS! \m/ can see she very excited and happy, HAHAHAHAH! <3 Brought me around her office telling people I'm her daughter :P

Common comments: 
Woah~ Look like you leh! Really look alike!! Woah~~~~
Woah, then where's you the other daughter? 
*Stare at me* You look familiar leh... ORHHH! You are the who's daughter right??? the... ah! Jesslin's daughter! :D
Woah~~ Look very different liao leh! Last time see you small small, now grow tall liao, pretty liao worh~ Face different liao, last time kiddy kiddy look.

LOL! Mummy's friends like a cute man! LOL! :P
After that took bus 851 to khatib and went slackslack at jiamin's house! Cause' jonas want watch 2012 together, LOL! But I'm too tired to watch movie with full concentration, so went dinner with dad and went home. :P really damn tired! this few days :/

For my pass 17 years of my life, I have never not response to an alarm clock before! And THIS MORNING, I OVERSLEPT EVEN THOUGH I SET 3 ALARMS CLOCKS! I REPEAT. THREEEEEE ALARM CLOCKS! OMFG! O.O I'm seriously depriving from sleep. LOL.
Damn worried if history would repeat itself tomorrow morning -.-...... *pray hard*

I agree, I like putting my songs on shuffle mode! Cause I like surprises! :P Also because I learnt my lesson ever since 公公 passed away. I remember the time when he met with that darn fucking accident in Johor, which caused him seriously injured. He was admitted to the redred hospital which we always pass by when we enter Malaysia by the Danga Bay road. We had to go back and forth to the hospital due to his unstable condition, and we spent most of the time in the car and me sticking in my earpiece listening to S.H.E. 謝謝你的溫柔, 五月天 and 中國話. I kept of repeating so many times till I learn how to sing the songs within a day! Thats considered fast for me. But at the same time, whenever I heard these songs, I'll remember the sadness of me looking at 公公 for the very last time. We wanted to go hospital to visit 公公 and were on the way, never did we know, the nurse called jiujiu up and say 公公 cannot make it alr, come quickly. T.T My MP3 was still stuck in my ear with the same songs. After the doctor pronounced him dead, mum and others stayed at Malaysia to settle the funeral stuffs, while me and my bro and dad went home first to pack up our clothes and all. Mummy even asked me if I'm okay sleeping alone in my room that night. Of course I'm okay! He's my 公公. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if I could dream of him or "see" him, at least I can speak with him. I really regretted not taking more photos with him and chatting with him more. Reallyreally regretted alot. Cried my eyes out whenever I was reminded of this regret. 
Remembering the time when amanda or whoever during sec two, play the 謝謝你的溫柔 through the class sound system, I immediately requested for the music to stop, but they didnt want to cause I didnt want to explain, and i cried. lol -.-
Sigh, I hope 公公 has reincarnated to a cute baby boy with great future and looks. :)

shall end this post with a happy note ! :P

Alright, shall go surfsurf around the net and LIGHTS OUT !  *poof*

Its been quite hectic since last monday! But i like! :3 better than rotting my life of at home !
Took loads of photos ! I should start taking photos of the people I'm with, places I went, the things I did, the food I ate etc. Slowly I will keep a 10000000000000000000000000 photos and when I look back, it'll bring back loads of memories~ Photos <3


P.S. didnt post this particular photo on facebook! but I cant 违背良心 :/ SO....... I decided to post on my bloggy! HEAH HEAH HEAH >:P

Life's been so much better ever since I let it go, *proud of myself* :D let nature takes its course....
Tomorrow gonna work some shitty work, so random! health checkups? LOL. Who cares? Work = $$$$
After tomorrow, gonna work at expo at daven's work! (Y) $$$$$ cant wait for money to come! WOOHOO!



Sad that our malaysia trip was postponed, but its alrightyyyy! :DD we'll still go anyway! WOOHOO!
Still, staying at home on a saturday would definitely be a waste! Especially when I want to go to flea so badly! :P So met Fish and Charmaine at town! HEAH HEAH HEAH! >:D
Supposed to meet at 3pm at Somerset, but I was so lazy to leave house! LOL! Ate lunch with mum, basil leave  w/ pork FTW ! Then blogged about yesterday, and went to do some housework. After everything, *looked at the clock* O.O""" YIKES! 2.30PM already! LOLLLLLL!

Mum: you meet people what time? 
Me: 3pm. o.o
Mum: woah, so you deciding to go there by private jet or helicopter? >:P
Me: aiya, of course is private jet lah! I so rich! *anyhow grab a shirt & shorts, ran to the toilet*

SO SORRY FISHFISH! :S Wo zhi dao cuo le! HAHAHAH! <3
Reached somerset at 3.45pm, thinking that everyone would be late and I'm the earliest, it was so natural to walk into New Look and looklookseesee! LOLLLLL!  *still unaware what deep shit i'm in* Went to browse the clothes, 2nd item at 2bucks (Y) Went to try some on-sale clothings while waiting for Charmaine to reach. Tried some shorts and a dress, Fish SMS-ed; she's already at ION Each-a-cup! LOL! Jialat! I thought after meeting Charmaine(who's arriving in 5min time) we would go Scape immediately, so I told her to go Scape to meet us there straight. Never did I know, Charmaine saw a belt she liked, and 2nd item's at 2bucks! 不买白不买!So went around to look for anything we can buy, LOL! Can imagine how long we took? :P okay lah, not really long... Almost wanted to give up and just go away with one belt, but I managed to find a PAIR of belts with heart shape buckles!

CUTE TTM! Finally we got something! YAHOOO!
After that, Charmaine wanted to drink Gong-cha cause she's thirsty, tempting me XD So we went Orchard Central to buy, forgetting there's gong-cha at scape too LOLLLL!
 After buying, we went to queue at the collection queue, Fish called! Asking where are we! HAHAHA!

charmaine:We're buying gong-cha at orchard central, coming le! 
fish: qian da is it?! scape also have gong-cha right?!

After buying, brisked walked over to Scape, walked pass the H&M queue, AT 313?! WTF?! Is there really a must to queue for H&M? Its not like they're demolishing the place after today right? -.- seriously this  people have no life. LOL. After meeting Fish at Scape ( HEHEHE :P ), SHOPPING STARTS BABE!
Walked around, this time there's many things to see! AWESOME! Bought a handbag/slingbag for 15 bucks only! The quality damn awesome! Somemore is brand new (Y) <3

Before leaving the flea, I bought another band, I kept wanting to buy this kind of band! FINALLY :D

Went to meet kang cheng, cheng wei and jun ming at Cine and walked to Far East ~ Charmaine wants to put extentions! And she did! Results quite good leh :D So tempting! Maybe I'll try it next time HOHO!
After waiting for 2hours XD,Aloy joined us and they wanna go drinking @ Wild Oats... O.O one thing I seriously hate the most is alcohol, no way will I go drink, LOL! So... I walked with them to dhoby ghaut and took mrt home. LOL. :P
Today was awesome! :DDDD

Town again tomorrow? HO HO HO! :P


HOOHOO! Went Vivo for CA outing yesterday, better than expected :D We went to watch Spy Kids 4D movie. Call itself 4D when they just gave us an aroma card?! LOL! When it comes to 4D movie, Disneyland's one is the best! (Y) The chairs would move, spray us water, let out smell of pie~ I miss Disneyland :3
Anyway, back to Spy Kids.
Its quite nice if you don't use your brains! Serious. Cause' I like to imagine weird gadgets (don't envy my creativeness okay! :P) So this movie suits me best! Somemore it brings back memories of the time when i watched Spy Kids 1, childhood times~ But the guys don't seem to like the movie, even though they suggested to watch it -.- LOL! They found it ridiculous! HAHAHA! See! not bringing brain out ain't a bad idea! WOOHOO!
Before we went to watch spy kids, we went to the outdoor area for CA meeting, a super short one LOL.
Then went Long John for lunch. The others went up to the rooftop to slack, while Cu er and me had a secret mission. HEAH HEAH >:P
We went to basement to buy a birthday cake for Ying Ying, looked around and finally bought a Chocolate truffle cake at Prima Deli (yumyum). Then we went up to a shop next to long john, its like sometime most kids would do when they're young. They have loads of cartoons to choose from, and after choosing the cartoon you want, pay money then you can sit down and paint your cartoon. After that, sending it into the oven to bake it/dry it. Still don't get what I'm saying? I guess I just have to show a picture uh? XP Its something like this:
but we did a cute Deer for her, TEEHEE! Its fun man! We should do this for everyone's birthday! So thoughtful of us! Right Cu Er?? :PPPPP
We brought the cake up to the roof, placing the candles, but have no LIGHTER! WOOHOO! So we asked her to imagine there's flames and just actact blowing the candles! SMART YEAH? :D
After eating the cake on pathetic one ply tissue, we chatted awhile and then headed for movie !

Went Farrer Park for dinner after movie, shared sushi with cu er! Chatted long enough about our house at malaysia! 
Zoom out: WOAH DAMN NEAR ! Zoom in : ehh, quite far leh... 
I went home and check, we're 2.6km away from each other! HAHAHAH! about 32 mins walk :P still okay lah (Y) 
After dinner, we all headed back home sweet home :) 

Time to get ready to go orchard! WOOHOO! :P


I've been wanting one like decades ago, but come to think of having to take care of a pet... The first thing I thought of was losing it. Mochi left me and it has greatly influenced me. I doubt I would dare to adopt another one and grieve again! :'( I guess I should just stick to pictures?
I want to become a volunteer in SPCA, I can take care of animals, without having to worry losing them! Signed up for a few, but seems like no good news! :/ Guess I'll just have to wait?
omg, why are you so adorable?! ~.~

alright! gotta go get ready! Meeting Zhiyan and Kaishan later~

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