i wanna slim down ! 8I

hello !
this few days , just cant sleep any later than 8am ! ><
but never mind ! can do more stuffs ! 8DD
now , i suddenly thought of something .
i suddenly thought of mickey & minnie ,
my two beloved hamsters
mickey already flew up to heaven
but minnie , i just dont know where she is ..
sigh ...
i want to have a pet hamster now ! XI
still , i'll never drop the idea of having a dog
just that i cant have it now , so i rather have a pet friend !
hope mummy allow !
went to gym with shimin today !
damn exhausted !
hope tomorrow dont have muscle ache !
okay ! off i go play my ds !
thanks kor fo helping my download the games !
its damn fun ! 8DDDDD
sin man~

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