back from a short but sweet malaysia trip ! 8DD

hello !
back from malaysia !
had sooooo much fun !
shopping fun ! 8DDD
sunday night went to malaysia ,
went to eat the worlds most yummiest laksa
( LOL ! not so exaggerated
! )
but its yummy still !
then went to gu po's house to take mattress ,
BUT before that
i went to find my friend ! 8DD
mr/ms doggy !
he/she is damn friendly !
its a hottie & awesome kisser
i guess cola has a competitor !
when you hand is near it , the first thing it does is to KISS
his/her fur is damn soft ! so nice to touch ! 8DD
then went to gonggong house , * snore snore snore *

monday morning , woke up damn early !
slack here , slack there
finally ahyi woke up
slacked until everyone woke up
LOL ! we're great slackers ! 8PP
went to have breakfast at my fav wanton mee shop !
seriously , tampoi has loads of yummy food ! 8PPPPP
took taxi down to the temple
payed respects to gonggong
went to leisure mall to find dvds ! 8DD
thats where all my shows come from !
ahyi buy them ! THANKS !
all those great shows use her money to buy
i help to watch ! 8PP
then took taxi down to tebrau city , jusco
went to old town for lunch
yummy !
went harris , then went around to shop
went to secret recipe for high tea !
i love their cakes ! 8)
continued shopping
their dorayaki/tong luo shao is much cheaper than singapore
currently , i see that carrefour sells cheapest dorayaki i think
but malaysia sells cheaper ?
1 for RM 1.10 = S$0.55 ?
then took taxi back to gonggong house
went over to gupo's house to return those mattresses & quilts
played with mr/ms doggy again !
got footprints all over my pants
such a poor thing !
whole day raining and it kept on sneezing ! 8(
want to keep him/her warm , but how ? 8((((
soooo sad seeing it sneezing so much , even though its cute
ate dinner ! YUMMY
then went home after awhile
of course , before we left tampoi , went to eat laksa again !
when we reached custom , taking bus from there is like an adventure
have to go through 'obstacles'
those people super irritating !
dont they know whats wait for their turn ?
getting up the bus have to push here push there ?!
we have to protect each other , kor let me in , ahyi let mum in
see ! this is what we call FAMILY
soooo tired after a LONG day
but its worth it ! 8)
okay !
sin man~

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