hello !
its been two days since i used the comp ! 8I
yesterday went out the whole day with kor
first , we went to take his free movie tickets
then went to bras besah to sell our books
in the end , the man only accept kor's books
earned $10
LOL better than nothing ! 8DD
then went around shopping
went to plaza sing
shopped around ,
went to eat Carls & Jr ! 8PPPP
even though we shared a meal , we're still full !
means the burger is BIG ! 8)
continued shopping ,
he then said theres new shops selling movie stuffs
so went there to see
theres this shop with capsule machine
so i went to try my luck the mickey mouse thingy
so adorable by looking at the picture
but i didnt realise its empty ! =.=
then asked the person to come
just for $2 refund , need to write form and wait for 1 week for the person in charge to come and check ?!
so troublesome .. SIGH
lol ! sorry to kor for not checking , hehe...
i'm so addicted to play the word game with him on facebook
playing that can know many weird words
yay ! finally watch finish The Gentle Crackdown II !!
now i think i'm going to finish The Four !
mo ching ! lam hyut ! zoi ming ! tit sau !
muhahaha !
so nice ! okay !
sin man~

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