i cant post it on the actual day , cause i have to go for camp
the LingZhi was yummy ! 8DD
after eating lunch there , went to orchard to pass time
then rushed back aunty karen's house for dinner & wash up
walked to church with jamie & rachel
day 1 !
reached there ard 6+pm , register
went in grace 1 , sat in our groups
then went for icebreakers ! 8DDD
soooo fun !
played double wacko ,
i forgot the name of the other game
its just like the catcher have to chase this person
then the person must stand in front of a pair before getting caught
damn fun , although i'm always the unlucky one
went back for worship & theme talk
this are the groups !
and i'm lucky enough to get into I
i like my group loads !
leaders : wisman & jon
members : talia , adeline , jeremy , benjamin , amanda , enmian
had loads of laughters !
had group discussions
then supper
sleep time !

day two !
woke up damn early , wash up ,
went grace 1 for prayers & daily devotions
then fun time !
damn hilarious , cause we had to play for our breakfast !
yummy yummy !
went back in for worship & theme talk
group discussion ( CHEER !)
we thought very long for this super hilarious cheer
* ahem ahem *
I love you
you love I
we are one big famil-I
with a great big HI
and a * muacks * from you to I
wont you say you love I too !

I dont care
I love God
I know Ipod I think not
I-so-tonic and
aI-yo we all love I-SCREAMMM !

hehehehe !
then had lunch ,
went for briefing on the BARNEY ! ( mass games ! )
damn FUN !
we were given clues to find our next station
first we went for the papaya throwing thingy
we were divided in to two groups ,
then we have to throw papaya to each other
and we must catch the papayas
its damn sticky & slimy ! HAHA
we got like quite alot
then we had to do our cheer to get extra points
then half way to the other station
we got invaded by pirates
talia sacrificed herself ;I
she got drawn an ugly eyebrow
then went for the tomato sauce thingy
we have to be blind folded , then we have to find the beans in the tomato sauce
we have to crawl in the tomato sauce
thats not that disgusting
the most disgusting part is
we have to put the bean in our mouths !
its like everyone stepped it , then we put it in our mouths ?!
then we managed to do finish the task
did group cheer
went for our next station
pirates again ?!
this time its my turn to get drawn
i got a super ugly lipstick thingy
they say cant wash it off !
oh no !
but our next game wash water game
we have to squeeze as much water as possible into the bottle using sponge
tied to our heads
so i purposely dip my head in to wash away my lipstick !
we managed to fill alot ! 8DD
then went for our next stop
the playground ! 8D
three of us has to climb the super slippery slide
the slide was like coated with soap & water !
so three lightest people were chosen
definitely not me ! 8DD
so i did the pushing job
tiring but fun !
we managed to max. it , 120 'people'
then went for the bitter gourd thingy
we have to eat finish all the food in the bowls
its bitter gourd & wasabi bread
one small piece of either one
eat alot of bitter gourd ! XD
then went for the catching ball game
two people are suppose to throw , two are suppose to catch with 2 pails
then the other 3 are suppose to pick up balls
managed to catch like 9 i think
did group cheer
this station master is damn evil ,
he asked us to go near the other group , and do the cheer to distract them
then went for our next station , the library thingy
we were given 20 questions and we have to find the mystery prize in 10 mins
although we gave up one question , we managed to find the mystery prize !
yay ! the end for our mass games !
waited in grace 1
then had worship & theme talk
group discussion
dinner ( BBQ ! )
ofcourse not us bbq -ing the stuffs
mitchell helped us to bbq ! its very yummy ! 8D
then had night games
cause its raining , so we had to play indoors
so we sat in a circle ,
played blow wind blow
and many other games
starting , those people who lose have to do forfeit
then behind , those people who lost , have to go into the DARK ROOM
although they say just go in and sit down there ,
i smelled something fishy thats going on
i was like SUPER curious about whats really going on inside
so i like volunteered myself to go in
went in with marianne ! sorry to seperate the twins
lol !
so we went in , then someone pulled us in , pushed us to face the wall
both of us cant stop laughing ! LOL
the people were like , VERY FUNNY IS IT ? WHO SAY YOU CAN TALK ?!
but i still cant stop
then we were blind folded , and one of our hands are tied together
then we were led to somewhere , they asked us to sit , then like find out 5 favourite stuff of each other
then like ask us to walk to somewhere
then like after a longgg walk , we were led to the playground
took out our blindfolds
play the dart game thingy
we were given two darts each , we have to aim the balloons ,
but if we dont burst any , we have to do forfeit
and indeed we didnt aimed any
so we went to the slide
i volunteered to be the blindfolded one , and marianne has to guide me up the slide
so she say , run , JUMP
but you know me , slow thinking , so resulted into or-che
when she say jump , then i was like oh ! jump !
by the time i jump , i've already tripped over
lol , but we managed to climb up
then , we have to find the rafia string , found it !
then went for our next station
i think it was the spiderweb thingy
like she has to guide me through the web , if i touch the string once , i will get splashed once
and again , i got splashed at least three four times ! 8DD
fun though !
actually ... i kinda forgot which was next ,
i just say the places we go
then we went to this toilet ,
both of us blindfolded ,
then i can hear its javis who is 'torturing' us ! HAHA
we have to answer his questions , wrong , the partner has to get splashed with starch water !
theres this station that is shuttle run ,
marianne has to guide me in the run ,
but while we are running , someone was like spraying water at us
i even drank some of it ?! LOL
went to the basement ,
its an obstacle course ,
i'm blind folded
then marianne guided me through the tables and chairs
thats where i got another injury ! HAHA
we just started crawling under the table and we got splashed water !
theres this station where i was led into the choir room , to a corner , then marianne has to find me !
i was like , HERE ! CORNER ! then my hand sticked out
after i was found we were led up the the spiral staircase , blindfolded
like WHAT ?!
then we managed to get up safely ! HAHA
i was like drawn on my hands and face
with i think lipstick & dontknow what
cause i keep talking , so i drew alot ! HAHA
had to lie down on the wet floor to sing twinkle twinkle little star
then from there , WE WERE FINALLY RELEASED ! YAY
see ! i told you the dark room isnt as simple as a dark room ! HAHA
went down to gather ,
bathed , ate supper
went to bed !

day three !
everyone was like soooo tired until everyone overslept !
even though we set alarm clock , we still continue to sleep !
then charis came to wake us up
i quickly took my stuffs and go wash up while the people are still sitting there
cause i dont want to wait , damn tired already
but i accidentally slept in the toilet
went for prayer & daily devotions
then fun time !
guess what we do during fun time ?
soooo fun ! =.= !
but its still fun cause our's are the slackest i guess
went for worship & theme talk
group discussion
then Elmo ! ( mass games ! )
its like amazing race
first , we had a tele match
first , pass as much rubber bands through the straw in between our elbow !
then we have to fill as much water as possible through the straw ,
then eat as much towgay as possible !
we managed to eat finish three cups of towgay by stuffing them into our mouths ! 8D
then we got our clue & map
this amazing race is held outside the church
we could choose to carry the balloons filled with water ,
if we could carry them back to church after the whole thingy
safe and sound , we will get loads of points
but , when we havent even reach the first station , which is our lunch place
i burst the first balloon
given $21 for lunch
then gulped down our food , then went to our next station
the spiderweb near a police station
its an obstable course , where we have to be blindfolded , then benjamin has to guide us all through the obstacles
its damn funny & fun
then went for our next station ,
i forgot which one ..
i think is the drawing thingy
we have to run to the paper , remember whats on the paper
go round and round he pole for 7 rounds
hop back , draw on another piece of paper
its damn funny !
we were like kept on saying , '' if we never say, you'll think its photocopied ! ''
then went to the playground thingy
we had to use our mouth to pick up the pingpong ball ,
then we have to use our mouth to take as many sweets in the place of flour
its damn gross !
its like dough forming in you mouth !
then went for our next clue , which i think is the butterfly park
we have to answer the questions the give ,
the more correct answers ,
the more times we get to throw
at first we might get 10/10 throws
thanks to me , i missed ! D8
then went to our last station , which is at mactech industrial building !
we walked all the way there , then saw that no one was there ,
waited , called the people
no one answered
so we decided to go back to church
shocked that we were the first to arrived ?!
but then , judive said that dontknow who ask us to go back,
its a the back of the building ! LOL
we were like complaining all the way
finally reached there ! so far !
then we played dontknow what hopping frog
forgot the name
basically , we have to divide into 2 groups , stand in on straight line
then the two groups must switch sides by hopping over the person in front of you
we managed to do in in 45 secs !
then walked back together with the station masters
finally ! finished our amazing race ! YAY
got 2nd place ! YAY
better than expected !
got out prize , tidbits ! LOL
then byebye !
i dont think we will be able to be in the same group again ..
so , cherished ! its alright ,
too bad sunday i cant go church cause need to go malaysia
this time , i'm gonna search for my atashinchi ! 8DD
byebye !
sin man~

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