hello !
went to library with shimin , her sister & her friend
after doing some * ahem * stuffs ,
went to meet mummy at bugis
walked around the ' warehouse ' thingy , near bugis mrt
to buy new year tidbits ! 8DD
after browsing around , we went to 记得吃 to eat dessert ! 8D
i ate this glutinous rice balls in syrup & mum ate or-nih ! HAHA
called another durian kueh kueh , EEKS ! coconut ! XP
the yuckiest fruit in the whole world ! LOL
but i had to eat it , otherwise wasted cause mum cant eat finish
took bus 80 to chinatown !
went around shopping ,
went to eat XO fish head beehoon ! 8DD
yummy , scrumptious , delicious , mouthwatering , heavenly , savory , tasty , appetizing !
the XO is damn ... SHIOK !
the sam lor hor fun is damn ... SHIOK !
LOL ! 8P
okay , cyA! later ! 8DD
movie mistakes !
sin man~

went to daiso again !

hello !
yesterday went to SSC daiso again !
but before that , went to furniture shop again
these few days kept on going to the shop ,
ahyi & jiujiu sure bought loads of furnitures ! 8DD
so yesterday theres this new game invented by hazel ,
draw lots ! win furniture ! 8D
ahyi damn lucky ! she won a coffee table !
because ahyi has a just bought a sofa set , so hazel changed it to office chair and give kor !

later gonna go library with dont know who , HAHAH
shimin chaoyue & jianhao ? not sure !
okay ! gotta go !
movie mistakes !
movie mistakes !
today's movie mistakes are on titanic ! HAHA 8D
sin man~

movie mistakes ! 8DD

hello !
oh gosh ! friday's first day of school !
why cant they just give us one more day rest ? 8I
it doesnt really makes a difference , HAHA
i found one thingy to put everytime i end my post !
shall post it at the end , 8P
later gonna hand in registration form with shimin
going to have A maths tuition !
gosh ! mum say a math's tough !
even with tuition will be tough !
--'' , guess i have to work harder then !
okay ! gotta go !
but before that ,
movie mistake !
i shall put one / two movie mistakes after every post !
here's another one !
twilight :
Continuity: In the scene where Bella is in the hospital, when the camera is up close to her face, the breathing tubes are right by her eyes, but when the shot is far from her face, the tubes are sitting on her cheeks.
sin man ~


merry christmas .
merry christmas!
did you all behave well ? 8DD

hello !
yesterday's party was so hilarious !
simon is still the joker of the family
most of our laughter were created by him
had loads of crappy fun with my cousins

today !
finally i can open my presents !
though i should wait for boxing day ,
since i have already fulfilled what i promised
i love open presents ! so exciting ! 8DDD
( dont mind me , sometimes ... -.-? )
thanks everyone for the presents !
they were beautiful ! 8DDDD

later mummy gonna cook western food with her new 3 in 1 machine !
toast , grill , make waffle ! 8D
then we shall head to sembawang daiso !
okay !
gotta go !
sin man~


hello !
today's christmas eve !
i shall open my door and welcome presents !
cant wait to open my presents !
i made a promise to myself ,
which is , open my presents only on christmas day !
you see , this is to test my patience !
now , here i am waiting for jiujiu's wardrobe to come !
hehehehe !
we're gonna celebrate christmas later at aunty karen's house !
ohhhh ! this is really testing my patience
presents ! here i come !
am i so practical ? ( NO )
of course i'm not , 8P
okay !
gotta go !
sin man~

dogs dogs dogs !

hello !
yesterday went vivo to watch twilight
almost the whole cinema full
but the show isnt really nice ?
not as nice as i expected .
i prefer reading darren shan's books !
the saga of darren shan !
i learnt most 'facts' about vampires !
even though they aint real ,
hehe !
shopped around vivo , or maybe got lost in vivo

today !
super busy ! XD
went to facial app. at 9.30 ,
pain pain ticklish !
went to bugis to buy something hilarious
secret at the moment
then quickly go home grab stuffs
and headed to the doggy party !
11 dogs ! 8DDDDD

so adorable ! HAHA
had so much fun with :
* take DEEP breath *
milo , faith , bibi , zinny , buffy , lady , cola , baby , bubble , chanel , ( one more ! what is his name ?! omg ! i forgot ?! wait , i will find out ! )
i wonder how the doggy cake taste like , but i guess chanel is trying to say its YUMMY 8D
okay , less talky , more picturey ! 8D
but other day then upload !
sin man~

dean is so cute !

hello !
later going to watch twilight with jamie ,
it seems like everyone is watching miss no good
dean is so cute !
hehehe !
now i'm at ep 7 !
rush rush rush !
okay ! gotta go
sin man~

miss no good !

today is 18 December !

so many things happening !
after counting , its about 5 !
AH YI BIRTHDAY , daiso , twilight , PSLE thingy , and one more i forgot already
but i remember got 5 stuffs !
now no more show to watch , but ah yi house there still have
i just lazy to take
so i'm watching miss no good !
tomorrow i guess i'm not going to www with ahbu & ahba ,
the ticket price to ex ..
sigh ...

going to buy tidbits for pot luck on saturday !
i guess i'm buying calbee ! 8PP
going to take alot of pictures again !
okay !
gotta go !
sin man~

santa for the year ! 8P

hello !
Santa is coming to town !
later gonna go to shop for presents !
cant wait to go next doggy gathering this sat !
yippeeee !
but what to bring for pot luck ?!
everything bring already , what can i bring ?!
tissue ?!
nevermind !
think about it later !
i think mummy allow me to buy hamster le !
but i must wait till the time is right ,
for a very important reason ! 8)
i would like to thank aunty jennifer !
for the back to school voucher !
thanks ! 8))
okay !
i better go now !
presents ! 8DD

korean food !
sin man~

The Four rocks ! 8DDD

hello !
it seems like i blog every two days
whatever , anyway
i would like to thank darren kor/milo pa & milo for the wonderful christmas gift !
marley book ?! i really didnt guessed that ! HAHA
the gift is wonder-fullllllll ! 8DDD
dont worry ! i sure have a gift for both of you ! 8DD
now your turn to guess ! HAHA
yay ! watch finish The Four already !
its sooooo nice !
but i just cant believe none of them married !
i mean like everyone have someone they like
but all of them have to be seperated ! for different reasons la
but ahyi sent me something i'm super craving for !
i love this picture so much !
i want to print them all out !
raymond lam ! mo ching !
Kate ! song chi yin !
loverlovercoupleloverloverlover !
bosco wong ! linda cheung !

just heard this song on the radio
it really reflects me ?!

I Dont Care - Fall Out Boy
I DONT CARE ! haha
saw this photo on google !
four handsome s ! 8PPPPP
* nose bleeding *
okay !
sin man~


hello !
its been two days since i used the comp ! 8I
yesterday went out the whole day with kor
first , we went to take his free movie tickets
then went to bras besah to sell our books
in the end , the man only accept kor's books
earned $10
LOL better than nothing ! 8DD
then went around shopping
went to plaza sing
shopped around ,
went to eat Carls & Jr ! 8PPPP
even though we shared a meal , we're still full !
means the burger is BIG ! 8)
continued shopping ,
he then said theres new shops selling movie stuffs
so went there to see
theres this shop with capsule machine
so i went to try my luck the mickey mouse thingy
so adorable by looking at the picture
but i didnt realise its empty ! =.=
then asked the person to come
just for $2 refund , need to write form and wait for 1 week for the person in charge to come and check ?!
so troublesome .. SIGH
lol ! sorry to kor for not checking , hehe...
i'm so addicted to play the word game with him on facebook
playing that can know many weird words
yay ! finally watch finish The Gentle Crackdown II !!
now i think i'm going to finish The Four !
mo ching ! lam hyut ! zoi ming ! tit sau !
muhahaha !
so nice ! okay !
sin man~

photos !

rain rain go away ! HAHA
aunty , me & meiyan jiejie ! 8DD
oh no ! what an ugly smile i have ?! HAHA
yay ! aunty smiled ! HEHEHEHE
behind the scenes ! 8PP
thats for today ! 8DD
sin man ~

back from a short but sweet malaysia trip ! 8DD

hello !
back from malaysia !
had sooooo much fun !
shopping fun ! 8DDD
sunday night went to malaysia ,
went to eat the worlds most yummiest laksa
( LOL ! not so exaggerated
! )
but its yummy still !
then went to gu po's house to take mattress ,
BUT before that
i went to find my friend ! 8DD
mr/ms doggy !
he/she is damn friendly !
its a hottie & awesome kisser
i guess cola has a competitor !
when you hand is near it , the first thing it does is to KISS
his/her fur is damn soft ! so nice to touch ! 8DD
then went to gonggong house , * snore snore snore *

monday morning , woke up damn early !
slack here , slack there
finally ahyi woke up
slacked until everyone woke up
LOL ! we're great slackers ! 8PP
went to have breakfast at my fav wanton mee shop !
seriously , tampoi has loads of yummy food ! 8PPPPP
took taxi down to the temple
payed respects to gonggong
went to leisure mall to find dvds ! 8DD
thats where all my shows come from !
ahyi buy them ! THANKS !
all those great shows use her money to buy
i help to watch ! 8PP
then took taxi down to tebrau city , jusco
went to old town for lunch
yummy !
went harris , then went around to shop
went to secret recipe for high tea !
i love their cakes ! 8)
continued shopping
their dorayaki/tong luo shao is much cheaper than singapore
currently , i see that carrefour sells cheapest dorayaki i think
but malaysia sells cheaper ?
1 for RM 1.10 = S$0.55 ?
then took taxi back to gonggong house
went over to gupo's house to return those mattresses & quilts
played with mr/ms doggy again !
got footprints all over my pants
such a poor thing !
whole day raining and it kept on sneezing ! 8(
want to keep him/her warm , but how ? 8((((
soooo sad seeing it sneezing so much , even though its cute
ate dinner ! YUMMY
then went home after awhile
of course , before we left tampoi , went to eat laksa again !
when we reached custom , taking bus from there is like an adventure
have to go through 'obstacles'
those people super irritating !
dont they know whats wait for their turn ?
getting up the bus have to push here push there ?!
we have to protect each other , kor let me in , ahyi let mum in
see ! this is what we call FAMILY
soooo tired after a LONG day
but its worth it ! 8)
okay !
sin man~

YAY ! new blogskin !

hello !
YAY ! finally got my new blogskin !
although still needs edits ,
i made it from top to bottom on my own !
with out editing from other people's blogskin !
today early in the morning went to yio chu kang sec to take free books
thanks aunty jennifer for bringing me in 8DD
waited awhile ,
theres time limit ! 15 mins !
i was like in shock for seconds when i went in
cause theres too much books already ! XD
but i managed to take some ..
went home after that ,
rest , then went to bras besah with ahbu & ahba
thanks kor for bringing us there ! 8DD
today thank alot of people huh ? HAHA
bought second hand books
i was super exhausted by then !
my eyes were half closed ! XD
okay !
gotta go sleep now !
tomorrow night going malaysia ! 8DDD
Free video chat by Ustream
thanks darren korkor for giving me this nicest link !
sin man~

i want a dog & a hamster please ! please !

hello !
yay ! today finally woke up late !
8.30 ?!?!
yah , at least when i woke up , daddy already woke up
so , its consider an improvement ! 8DDD
later , gonna do muah chee i think !
if i got the time
like i have lots of stuffs to do ?!
play , read , play play play !
i'm sooooooo going to change blogskin ! 8DD
and i really want a hamster ! D8
sin man~

i wanna slim down ! 8I

hello !
this few days , just cant sleep any later than 8am ! ><
but never mind ! can do more stuffs ! 8DD
now , i suddenly thought of something .
i suddenly thought of mickey & minnie ,
my two beloved hamsters
mickey already flew up to heaven
but minnie , i just dont know where she is ..
sigh ...
i want to have a pet hamster now ! XI
still , i'll never drop the idea of having a dog
just that i cant have it now , so i rather have a pet friend !
hope mummy allow !
went to gym with shimin today !
damn exhausted !
hope tomorrow dont have muscle ache !
okay ! off i go play my ds !
thanks kor fo helping my download the games !
its damn fun ! 8DDDDD
sin man~

pompom gathering ! 8DD

omg ! am i in heaven or what ?
why is there so many hotties ?
heyhey handsome ! 8DD
HELLO ! i forgot your name ..
BUT ! you're still adorable ! 8DD
zinny ! 8DDD is he looking at any babe ? 8P
bibi ! 8DDD look so pretty even when shaved !
look great in that outfit ! 8D
oh my LADY ! 8DD
hey zinny ! bibi ! LOOK HERE ! 8DD
大头照 ! HAHA
milo papa & minnie ! 8DD
SNOWBALL ! HAHAAHA ! adorable right ?? 8DD
minnie ! 8DDD
she is veryvery adorable and SUPER hyper + playful !
i like playing with her soooo much cause she's so affectionate ! 8DD
faithfaith ! 8DDD still as pretty as before ! 8DD
pom gathering ! 8D
thats all for NOW
cause i've got loads to do , so
sin man~

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