those were the times ~

hello !
these are SOME of the photos i've been taking
if you're in 2A2 , you will know how ENTHUSIASTIC i am in taking photos .
enjoy the photos ! 8)
black ~
white ~ LOL
i wonder how the teachers plan. whats the use of planning anw ?
wow .. tough game ... ?!
mr ee tzer ! LOL 8D
mr poon&tay ! dont be so anti - social lah !
5 beautiful ladies !
battle ah ! chiong chiong chiong !
yuuup ! we're having fun !
jasmine , NO PEEKING ! 8D
three musketeers ! 8)
boy ! is this our post examination activities ?! 8P
biaoge ! wongchunkit 8D
chess ?! JIANGJUN ! 8P
oh boy ! FULL HOUSE AH ! 8)
sexy pehpeh ?! dont get a heart attack when you see this ! 8D
UNO gang ! gogogo ! 8)
there will be more !
just wait !
human will get tired ! so am i ! 8)

just passed by some sms we sent to each other during exam period
i cant believe i'm saying this ,
but i start to miss those times .
encouraging each other ,
sigh ... D;
okay !
goodnight !
sin man~

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