i shouldnt have go to school today !

hello !
feel happy that i survive this day , 17 october , FRIDAY
its a total waste of time
but i just cant think of what excuse to write ..
lame right ? 8I
anyway , went to school ,
finally , i know whats the sound of bird droppings dropping next to you
it happened like this , during reading period ...
we were suddenly attacked by birds ( again.. )
i didnt thought of covering my head ,
but suddenly , PIAK
a bird shit dropped next to me ?!
i quickly took cover !
the end !
mr naf was like 'teaching' us something ,
when he say , TAKE COVER
we must cover our head with something
seriously , =.=
finally , the war ended when the teachers finished their LONG meeting
we went up to CR2 for survey
this time i was HONEST !
i disagreed some stuffs !
the chinese + malay teacher , WAS SUPER HILARIOUS
but the laughter stops as soon as mrs agnes liu came in
even mild stamping of feet also want to scold
alamak !
then went back to class and played UNO
slack here slack there
then miss fara released us for 'recess'
i told her theres no recess , but she gave me ' whocares ' face
HAH ! in the end , still no recess , ms fara lao kui !
then stay under the sun for HALF AN HOUR for the dumb promotion thingy
i see those seniors cry i also want to cry
but not for the same reason
they all cry cause gan dong .
i want to cry cause , ITS ALREADY 11 AM !
say what 10.30 , bluff us !
after they walked finish
the teachers say cannot go home yet ,
we were like , WHAT THE HECK ?!
they say our form teachers has something for us
so we went back to class
and guess what ?
she just do a head count , then she said ,
you may go now .
WHAT ?! you made us climb all the way to third floor just for a head count ?!
might as well do it downstairs right ?
as we go home ,
i went to buy bubble tea ,
but this 'innocent' boy , go and pierce the cup instead of poking it through fast
in the end ? IT BLASTED .
where did the drink land ?
i shouted , OMG .
the boy just took his drink and run away
what an innocent boy he is .
i just cant imagine people being more INNOCENT than him
practically , i could classify today as , UNLUCKY DAY
whatever . i'm going off !
sin man~

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