12-lotus !

hello !
today early in the morning ,
went for breakfast , then head to lavender
wanted to change passport photo
but they say now only can change passport
cannot change photo !
note that !
cause of this , we need not queue ,
so we wrapped it up fast !
then we went to bugis
shop here shop there
then went to bugis junction
bought birthday gift , then went to hunt down for atashinchi bolster
me see no bolster !
maybe i just cant find the place
but i bought beardpapa sweets custard puff !
yum ! although i smashed it somehow .. LOL 8D
then went to cityhall to take bus to Maxwell Hawker
ate lunch & we went to pray at the temple
called , Fo Ya Shi
then we head off to the concert at the C.C.
we went there early cause we saw the wrong time
so i took a nap !
hahahaha !
the concert was awesome
dont small see me ! i listen to ge-tai songs ok !
qio-gua !
audience ! smile !
notice where we're sitting ? 8I
yay ! i'm finally in !
HAHAH ! smile until so happy !
yup ! thats my seat !
the 'theatre'
first item
second item !
third item
fourth item
fifth item !
hilarious ' couple '
so young yet so talented !
everyone sing ! gogogogo !
ALL COME OUT ?! chiong ah !
mummy & liulingling ~!
the two ' xiao ' s in the show !
liu ling ling was H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S !
everyone laughed alot when she talks
although she met with some mishap , she still was able to carry on with the concert
its just her unluckiness which cause her to marry to one stupid idiot man

then we went to shopshop at the nearby shops
ate dinner , then went home .
i 'm running down with a flu too..
just dont understand why i kept having flu !
ok !
have to go to sleep now !
tomorrow have to go to dragon fruit farm & imm outing !
yay !
but remember to watch lan qiu huo !
got many handsomes inside !
* saliva dripping *
sin man~

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