imm & dragon fruit farm outing !

hello !
today woke up early again
went for breakfast & we went to IMM
its a trip organized by the RC in Yishun, at Blk 108 i guess .
my DJ jiujiu ! ErZaiNan - xiaoming !
hehe ! my ahyi ! so modern ! listen to mp4 leh !
busybusybusy ... !
break ass to open when emergency ?
cool !
after one hour , we finally reached IMM
the first thing we go is to....
i totally in love with daiso
i just love the stuffs there !
and a good news is ,
Sembawang Shopping Centre is going to have Daiso
wheeeeeeeeee !
now i no need to go so far just for daiso !
yay !
anyway , we then went to Crystal Jade for lunch ~

then we head off to dragon fruit farm
the place damn ulu !
but the farm was nice
although the farm is called dragon fruit farm ,
there was like only 2 dragon fruits on the tree
lol !
but there was like quite alot of other plants !
nice ~
i was so afraid that i would get pricked by the thorns of the dragon fruit plant
cause mag-jiejie say that if you get pricked ,
you will suffer fever or cold
eeks !
luckily i didnt get any !
this is called Surnam Cherry

the dragon fruit tree , a bit like cactus , dont you think ?
i guess the fishes gets overfed everyday ,
cause they sell fish food for people to buy and feed them
omg ?
the shop at the farm~
passion fruit !
oo ! floweeeer ! * shua-gu*
so beautiful right ??
grapes in dragon fruit farm ?!
i forgot whats the name .. lol !
SCV sponsor ?! lol !
nice flower !
Chives ~!
zhen zi is coming out ...
dont know what plant , purple leaves ? 8)
we can pluck fruits ?! hehe ! 8D
nice garden ! mag ! you've been 'captured' !
cute plants ! haha !
so long ???
passion fruit !
kor & mag-jiejie
unripe papaya !
pineapple !
mountainous pots !
unknown plant ?
nice picture right ?
korkor !
mummy !
mag-jiejie !
bitter gourd !
jiujiu's friend !

cause the organizer said that we will be there until 3pm
then the bus will leave
so we decided to go to the goat farm next door cause theres like 1 hour plus more
so sweet !
i prefer the baby goats !
cause when you feed them by putting the grass on your hands,
they will like lick them up
the feeling is so comfy !
very warm ~
i kept feeding this black and white goat
i like him alot , dont know why !
haha !
goat farm !
bachelor goats ?!?!
hello mr goat ! look here !
hello ! kind of blurrish~
hello little goats !
dont eat my pants !
aborable goats !
the biggest goat i saw i guess !
he suddenly stood up , he was taller than me !

mr darren !
he looks like a wolf !
watermelon ! cute right ?
then we decided to go back and assemble
although its only 2.20pm
but to our surprise SHOCK
there was no one there !
there was no bus , no aunties or uncles there
do you know this recent news about a sg driver left 22 people at the genting hill ?
NOW , its not at genting already , its at a place in singapore !
we were all so damn angry !
somemore we dont have their number
but they have our number
so they should have called us before leaving
so we went to the shop of the farm
we asked them , they said the group left at 2 pm lo !
the auntie at the shop helped us to call them ,
cause they should have their number.
but they gave them wrong number .
we were like , then how ? then how ?
at around 2.30pm ,
that mr ong called , the organizer .
hello , mr lim ah ? where are you all ah ?
AT THE FRUIT FARM LA ! (lol ! darren korkor say , NoNo ! at bottom of the bus . =.= , LOL)
blah blah .
we all at the vegetable farm now , can you all come down ?
how to go ? walk there meh ? ok la , nevermind , we take taxi , we charge you ok?
*never answer*
blahblah . ( darren korkor damn good at talking man ! )
we 2o mins come and fetch you

what the ?!
he said the aunties want to go to the vegetable farm
so went off early .
at least he should have called us and tell us that they are leaving mah !
he said he shouted , no one reply .
HELLO ! what century are you living now ?
theres something called HANDPHONE
please la ! 10 people missing , dont tell me you cannot see .
luckily he came to fetch us , the place was super ulu !
next time , got this kind of activity , think before joining . 8)
the aunties and uncles at the farm we great !
so good !
go to their farm !
haha !
got watermelon !
lol ?!

then went home .
actually , i rather feed those goats than going to those vegetable farms
so boring .
still , i had fun today !
lots of laughter !
ok ~
ahji stop ranting here !
tomorrow then i continue posting photos and videos !
sin man~

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