
Chinese New Year Photos Part 2 :D

Happy Valentine's and Friendship Day! <3

Thanks Andy for the wonderful gifts! :D <3 Love them all! TEEHEE! I guess this is my first time celebrating Valentine's Day with those wonderful peeps! HAHAHA! Went Helix Bridge with Joey Andy ChungZheng Jonas Jerome and Geraldine :D Thanks Jerome for the rose! So pretty :3 And Pauline's cake pop was like so damn awesome! So addictive!~~ Great day :D

Took a photo of Jerome's rose, or should I say petals? They all fell of on the second day, or was I too rough?! :/ Still, I kept them in a bowl of water, look so classy :D
I was amazed by my camera! It could actually take such clear photo?! :DDDD
Alright, that's all folks!

Slack Day :D

Awesome day today! I can't remember the last time when I can slack at home like today, totally never care about studies or what so ever :D
Watch videos, running man, Skip Beat, buy clothes from Gmarket, cook korean pancake, jogging, blogging~
I LOVE MY LIFE :3 How I wish everyday is like this, SHIOKNESS!
Alright, time to come back to reality. Tomorrow have to start studying already zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Bought a Graphic tee today :D Chose for hours! Even mum can't take it! XP
"Aiyo girl ah! Choose one shirt 需要这么多小时啊?!"
:/ girls are girls~
I want a Faux collar! So cute ^^

Finally I learnt how to tie Fish-Tail Braid :D

Suddenly came across this picture, memories~ :)

Omg, Connie Talbot's voice is really good (Y) For such a young girl singing like this is remarkable? Okay... I know many people can sing like this nowadays.... Who cares?! :P
Alright that's all folks! NIGHTS! :D

R.I.P. Whitney

Woah, I guess the best tribute would be the video of the girl who sang "I Will Always Love You" but got pissed off when she couldn't reach the high notes lol. Great singer, but landed in the hands of drugs :( R.I.P.

Wish list #101 done ^^

red bag, i like ^^
Finally, MOB is over! :D Have been studying it for that whole week! I didn't want to flunk this paper since I found out that I had quite a lot of time to study! Apparently, I had too much time to study... -.- Isn't a good sign. I got stressed out today yea'know?! My mind went blank! I kept flipping through my notes, they do look familiar, but they ain't going into my mind! freak out a little, but I kept my cool and tried squeezing in tons of info into my brain. I had this sudden thought, what if I really dont remember anything during the test? Wouldn't I have wasted my past whole week?! NO WAY! CANT LET THIS HAPPEN! So even at the last minute before entering the classroom, I whipped out my notes trying to remember anything I see. I remember memorising Path Goal Theory with Ai Ling at the very last min... Guess what? The very first question of Section B was on Path Goal Theory! HAPPYGIRL_94 :D
The paper was manageable :)
Went Jurong Point with jokers, hanning, huisi and wailing for mini celebration! :P Had yaki tori bento at the jurong central park or something like that LOL! Not bad, advance valentine dinner XD

Reached home and chatted with mum a little while~! And went to arrange my room..... MUAHAHA
Been having this thought ever since I started studying MOB! I wanted to snug in my comfy bed in an air-con room, watching a movie! #AWESOMELIFE
So I managed to do so! :D Watched Killers! Not bad, for the action part and Ashton Kutcher, but the storyline? Like shit. All their neighbours turn into killers just to kill Ashton Kutcher?! Where's the logic? :/ But quite funny so it's alright ^^ never regret watching this movie till such hour! *eyebags forming*
Ashton Kutcher sucha cutie man! (Y)

Awwww, so cute man this two :P

Gotta study hard next week! Hope I'll do well for this exam, keep my fingers crossed.

Back hugs seriously damn sweet and cute, don't you think so? :3 Love back hugs ^^

Alright nights earthlings! ^^


okay... I should be rushing my PLJ(waste of my time) but.... Its just darn boring yea'know?! On top of that, I just had the feel to blog! So yeap! ^^ I'm here to blog, like a finally~

Went to study with Jonas they all today and yesterday! Can you freakin believe it?! I went to study?! Aww yeah! >:) Even Ceslie said I changed! AHAHAH! cute! XP I'm still as lazy as before, just that I have no much time to study and I'm lacking behind so really need to buck up alr! Somemore, the debate event thingy took up my whole weekend! Gotta make use of all my free time this week to study! Otherwise I'll just have to get ready to get a heart attack when I get my results! TEEHEE! :B Pray that I'll do better this time! ^^

Ugh! I want a pair of sneakers! But what should I get???? o.o

or this? ~.~ gorgeous...... *look below*

Maybe I should take one day of my study week to find my sneakers? Otherwise when camp prep starts.... I dont think I'll want to leave house during Sundays LOL! 
Tomorrow needa work Sushi Tei :/ alone again :( but nevermind! Can make friends easily ^^ Think positive!
Alright! Shall go back to that PLJ. -.- NIGHTS!

Confuse? Happy? @!#$#%@$% o.o

Haven't got the time to blog lately, really tight schedule. No joke T.T
Sometimes I really feel tired, sian, whatever you wanna call it. The feel to give up. But those feelings just came by and passes quickly, that's really lucky of me :) Positive thinking is still the best >:D
Finally Chinese New Year has arrived! :D ANG BAOS COME TO ME ! 3 1/2 HOUR TO CNY! WOOHOO! Just had my reunion dinner, AWESOME! Steamboat with family, what can be better than that? ^^ Took a video of us Lou Hei-ing, quite quiet but its alright :P Cannot compare the sound level with the sound level when they're playing Ban Luck! Really different! XD So cute!

After CNY will be exams soon, must really work hard! We reap what we sow :) Then it'll be camp prep, soon enough will be our FO Camp 12/13! Time really fly past so fast that I can't even catch up! O.O Stress, so much work to be done... Can I split myself up?!

Feeling confuse lately~ I thought I was thinking about this issue one-sidedly... Apparently not? o.o I really don't know, guess I shall let nature take its course then :/

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