tv came came cam~!

today the tv came in the morning
they went to ah yi's house before coming our's
same tv~
we cleared the whole desk cause they putting the tv
so damn nice !
cleared table ; new tv
how i wish future can like this
but still , we must put the photos up
next time .. next time~~
then at night~
went for gabriel's 21st birthday~!
went to west mall to wait for uncle to fetch us~
went mac donalds , shared nuggets with kor kor
then went to west mall to shop
there's this shop call [[ yellow ]]
the bags not bad~
plus! there's a trade in sale going on
if you have any
[[ yellow ]] bags
u can trade in and pay a lesser price
too bad, i dont have any
then went to the condo
went to the function room
the doors have sticked some goofy pictures of him!
printed in black and white
so funny and creative lor!
then when you go in, theres more
we have to sign in
and many people went to vandalise his face
so funny!!
hehe.. i had a part in doing it too~
then chit chat, eat eat
came to the climax
the hosts have many funny ideas
they call out some audiences to act like gabriel when he's in different scenarios
1st scenario, gabriel went shopping,
halfway, he wants to do business
after doing business, he found out theres no toilet paper
how will he react?
NS friend ; he would normally ask someone to accompany him to go toilet
so he will ask the buddy to help!
(dont know how many years frd ) ; { i forgot what he said~ i think smth like
calling a friend to help ? }
khaleb (dont know how to spell, will correct it soon~!) ; he would sacrifice his underwear
i thought of something similar too, just not the way he say
ya what! if not use your hands meh?
then uncle fetch us home~
hope gabriel likes my card~ so messy!
so lucky lor, got so great presents,
red psp, ipod touch , so much hong bao
shiok lor!
good night people!
sin man~

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