alright , lets see , shall we start from thursday night?
went to da bao dinner for jiujiu , ah yi , popo & me
ate chicken rice
then got ready stuffs and set off to JB
took 969 to woodlands inter. and 903 to somewhere near the custom
then walked to the custom
haven even reach the custom ; only at the traffic light waiting for the green light
SOOO people already ; but cant compare to the '' sardines inside the custom ''
OMG! my mouth was like :0
damn lots of people ; i wonder why~
then while waiting , we found out that the other lane has lesser people
so we jumped to another queue
then there was this man , he thinks its his queue , can stand where he wants to stand
just walk right in front of us and cut our queue
lame + no manners !
-.- !!
anyway , after going through the custom
went down and saw the bus-jam
it wasnt any jam , its just that the buses were waiting for the passengers
and they simply just wait there and block the way
so we decided to WALK there?!
although the walk was sooooo smoky and wet
the view was captivating !!
so tempted to take a photo of it
but , i will be blocking the way , the air is polluted
+ i dont have a camera
the camera was with korkor , cause i ask him to take for me~
anyway , thanks too!
then went to malaysia custom
luckily we chose to walk , cause we hardly saw any buses
and the custom was soooo empty
then took taxi to angsana ; tampoi
then went in , totally afraid that bing bing would cry
cause he would cry if theres too many strangers
(p.s. toddlers tends to forget you if they doesnt see you for a long time)
but luckily , he didnt
then blahh~~! ( i kind of forgot what we did , i guess its nothing much )
then went to eat supper
went to lu bian to eat laksa ; SHIOK AH!
then tried their rojak & went to the zhi cha and brought over hokkien mee
nice !!
drank liang fen a.k.a. chin chao , xian chao
after eating , about to go home
went to da bao the liang fen home
and i totally like the way they packed it
so traditional ; so cool !!
then when we reach home
bathed ; just did stuffs~
then tried to make bing bing sleep
but , he seems he's just to high
so late still havent sleep!
then we brought him in to sleep
looked at him ; and guess what ?
his zootzoot a.k.a. pacifier is glow in the dark kind !!
like it soo much !
then soon , he sleeped?
but not when we see him~
then watched the news
in the morning , i on the tv ; and i saw colour of the logo for channel 8 , 5 , U and channel news asia , changed
so i thought the tv got problem
so i called mummy
ask her to call sharp
then mummy did and they say tuesday come and check
and when at night , i went to da bao dinner for jiujiu they all right?
i found out their tv has the same problem
then they planning to call later?
then after seeing the news , the colour change is because the want to spread the message of saving earth!!!
then went to sleep~
thursday end~
lets start friday~!
woke up
saw bing bing awake
then mei yan - jiejie woke up
played awhile ; then went to wait to wash up
while waiting ; played with bing bing
it made the 'distance' between me and him closer!
then went market to buy breakfast and bao to bai bai
then went home ; mummy they all arrived!
so early!
then pack stuffs , eat breakfast
went to pay our respects to gong gong
for his death annivesary
then went home
went to gu po's house to play with children
took pictures with them!!
then went back to bath and went city square shopping
finally! one day ! we can shop without carrying backpacks
went to many places , but !!
I FINALLY BOUGHT CC STICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so coool!!!!
totally love it!!!
then went to buy books at popular
and shop around
went kim gary again to eat
ahh!! this time dont have the riddle thingy!!
instead is what gary , caoge stuffs
then went to take bus home
drank tomyam soup
aunty's tomyam soup BEST!
then went to giant shop
keep having missing people
have to go around to find
then bought soooo much stuffs
but as the saying goes , ren duo hao ban shi
everyone take one bag , seems so little
then went to the lu bian tan again
eat super
too bad cant da bao liang fen cause not enough
we bought the last 9 cups
then went home
played with bing bing
soooo fun
keep playing with bingbing !
then brought him to the room and make him sleep
by making him drink his milk
but he keeps on stopping halfway
so i ask him to compete with me
see who drinks faster
then went to watch national treasures 2
bought the cd
but halfway ; everyone slept except me and mummy
then me and mummy went to sleep
the end for the day~!
halfway through the early morning?
maybe its 3am?
i dont know whats the time
meiyan's alarm rang
so i woke up to see ; but instead , i found that i slept too much at mummy's side
then my the other side alot of space
so i moved ; then mummy woke up
started using her hand sweeping the bed vigorously
i was like , huh?
then she went crawling to ah yi's side , ahyi also began to sweep vigorously
and guess what i saw next?
i wanted to scream , because thats what i always do
but i cant ; cause everyone's sleeping
so i just jump up to meiyan's bed
then in the end , i slept outside ; at the sofa
lol! quite comfy actually~
then the curtains were draw closed
so i dont know what time is it
so i just slept through , until i heard ahyi scream , QI LAI LE!!!!!
then i quickly wake up
its already 9 am?!!
awww!! cant go nanyuan eat breakfast~~
but still , i could taste the chewy anggukueh~
then ate lunch and went to citysquare watch kungfu panda
after waiting for so long~
i finally watch it~!
but its only ok ok~
not very interesting~
just laugh only~
dont know how to describe
just like i would only watch once , no temptations to watch again~
then went home
4pm reached home
then watch movie to past time and went to eat dinner
did you watch monsters-in-laws?
its kind of funny
gtg already~
will be posting the pictures later~
sin man~

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