today is a special day
daddy's birthday~!
quite busy~
woke up at 9 plus i guess~
mummy prepared breakfast
then went got all ready and went out to AMK hub
watch ; Incredible Hulk~!
the show was a WOW
sooooo noisy
if you like to play machine guns type of games like counter strike and stuffs
you will like this show
just to defeat the hulk
they use like tons of weapons
still cant hurt the hulk
even radio waves also cant beat him!
but the sound damn loud and i have to cover my ears for the whole show
then the girl sitting next to me always jump up
because of the sudden sounds
everytime she jumps , my chair shakes
then we went to Square 2
cause mummy want to give daddy a treat , MASSAGE~!
theres one thai massage for $10 per 15 mins
for shoulders & neck i think~
then me and korkor went shopping around
went to see the Angel Clay
i know why i can buy at such a cheap price for the paper clay
because the $2 clay will crack when it dries up
while the angel clay doesnt
i went to see the ' cook book '
where they teaches you how to make pastries and cakes using clays
its like SO NICE!
so real!
i even see practical ones on the display set
so cool!
i'm going to do that!
i want the book lor~
so nice!
after daddy's done
we went to toa payoh to meet ahyi~
while waiting for her ,
i went to buy the hannah montana magazine!!
the second day of launch i went to buy the magazine
great fan huh?
i love the magazine!
i love hannah montana!
then we took bus to Shaw Plaza to eat dinner
mummy booked Sakura~
i love the Sakura at Belastier
its sooo much better then toa payoh branch
theres more variety
we started eating at six
we eat ; rest ...... then eat ; rest.......
this continued for three hours
and we finish at 9pm!
i took some pictures~
going to post it later?
see how~
then we went to the furniture shop
then they were looking at the speakers
while i went to the corner where all the fans were there
then i stand there , my hair starts flying up!
so cool!
then i ask daddy to take a picture for me
then we went home~
so fun!!
notice! :
anyone plays Twin Age ?
ds lite game~
can anyone help me?
how to defeat the stupid monter??
not yodomi or the giant octopus
is the 2nd big monster that comes out after the octopus
the monster keeps popping out small subordinates
2 person how to fight one pregnant monster??!!
anytime pop out a group of monsters!
must continue to try~
cyA later !
sin man~

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