2dae had so much fun!
although currently i m shivering
still must post!
mornin was typical~
did typical things
until 12.20pm
things weren't the same
mummy n i went to board 812 to yishun mrt
then board the mrt to woodlands
obviously, i was late.
mayb it isn obvious to u.. lol?
started our hunt down for things!
i gave my partner (friendship type eh!)
a present i popped out during CHRISTMAS
-.-'' (dats way long ago~~)
plus lent her [ skyhigh movie ]
first we went one floor below 1 floor i guess
n we didn noe y we went dere
we just started talking from the time we met
for todae
we then went to almost every shop?
nah~ not so absurd~!
just quite many shops i didn realli shopped b4
bought two piglet keychain
one for partner
one for me
but of cos i cant b paying both~! =]
half way felt lyk eating lunch
late eh!
went to pasar malam bought 2 waffle hotdog
each person one
den shopped ard
seriously, its alright for u not to buy things for me
i would feel kinda guilty if u buy
bought a roti prawn
gave her to try out roti prawn
she sae ish first tym eat, but she knew dissh long ago~!
den we went back to causeway cos felt DAMN WARM!
so bought bubble tea to cool down
walk ard in causeway AGAIN..
saw sien yee's mum.
didn dare to call her at first.. just looked at her
den she smiled den i got my bravery
shopped ard
passed by the singtel booths..
saw sien yee with her mum
den asked her y thurs lost
luckily got gd explanation! =]
planned to sit down to rest
but ended up walking ard
went to arcade
saw an old couple
grandmother n grandfather playing arcade??!!
somore the card ish veri high rank!
de ah ma damn pro
she grabbed SO MUCH sweets!
so envy~!
den i told her dat when i am old , i will b the same as them!!!!
den shop shop shop
in the end, we went back to pasar malam
den she bought me stickers for my bdae!
went back to yishun
went to northpoint
shopped ard
den we bought a token of love friendship!
super cute!
postin pictures ltr
went to her da yi's flower shop
great man!
de shop is niceee!
den cheryl did keychain for me
will get a present for u too!
den meet mummy n ah yi at the coffeshop
ate dinner
went home~!
will meet again next tym!
till then, keep profile low!
just received a letter from macdonalds
goin to redeem all the points liao
hueva wan to eat
tell me
goin to post pic le!
sin man~

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