Yesterday was awesome! Went to chungzheng's house to lepak ( seems like a good word to use >:) )
with @yijun @jiamin @yirong @jonas @andy @ jingwen, did i miss out anyone? i think not :)
Yesterday was like a learning day for me, learnt guitar, piano, beatbox, cup stacking, dance steps, what more?! OMG! although all was just bits and pieces, i felt the feeling of accomplishment! WOOHOOOO!
Cz's neighbourhood looks so beautiful! the void deck itself is sooooo peaceful! a mini garden in the center with houses surrounding it~ ♥.♥

Yirong taught us The Only Exception by Paramore!
Jonas and Jiamin learnt so fast! they can practically play it off so well! but me ._. i only know how to play the first two notes T.T ugh! why am i such a slow-learner ;( Cz played a few piano pieces, was so captivated by it man! I couldn't take my eyes of the piano keys! Kept on imagine if I could play till this stage ~.~
Felt so down when everyone has a talent and i dont have a freakin damn one T.T, the feeling is so... oh well, maybe i will discover my talent, IN 10000000000 YEARS TIME -.-

I better practice hard on my guitar so that I can dedicate a song for my bro's wedding, in 5 years time ._. LOL! what a good sister! he must be touched, or not? ANYWAY! I have to start saving 20bucks every week to get my electric keyboard :) i can't wait for the day i get it! YAHOOOOOO!
i think this wouldn't be cheap, yeah? ._.

kinship bands! making this for the KindleHearts to spread awareness to the public that kinship is important! Nowadays, more and more old folks get "abandoned" by their children (COLD-HEARTED BEASTS). So we need to raise the awareness to the younger generation

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