woohoo! its end of the mst! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
okay, its time for the TIME to stop now T.T i dont want to get back my results....
urgh! nevermind, i'm going to enjoy my last three days before i die on monday! WOOHOO!

today is such a cold thursday! RAIN RAIN RAIN ! brrrrrrrr....
not only that, it all started after my paper ended!
i was so happy that my paper ended! at the same time, happily expecting i could play with my friends after school!
BUT! *pierce my heart* no one free to play with me! T.T
either they have exam tomorrow, or they have their own activities...
suddenly i felt so lonely, helpless 8,(
luckily gladys was going to meet her friend quite awhile later, so we accompanied each other!
we sat at the cold bench next to the rockclimbing wall, looking at our phone/ itouch, twitter-ing & fb-ing
i got so impatient while waiting for jiamin to reply my sms! TAKING AGES!
so i just punched in her no. and called her.
after talking for awhile, with some interruptions by her classmate XD, she decided to ditch her classmate & come to find me! T.T <3 so happy! finally there's someone i can play with! HEAH HEAH! >:)

awhile later, jiamin joined us and sat at the bench, looking at her iphone! LOL
seems like thats the only thing we could do =.=
so i went to twitter and asked yeshze where was she, woah! within mins, she returned with a call! then she said she's coming to club!
WOOHOOOOOO! another person to play with! then kangcheng came with her! YES! MORE AND MORE PEOPLE!
weile treated us ice-cream, and jiamin wants to call him kor?! HAHAHA
then vivien came! 8DD so happy! i'm not alone anymore! WHEEEEE~
then we went around slacking, played CLUEDO! (my first time! 8DDDD)
so fun! i want to play again!!!!!!!!!

i'm so blessed to have friends! my family and my "family"~ i am a lucky girl! ^^

i want to do this! 8P yummmmm~

pauline's rainbow cupcake (Y) ^^

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