i hate sudden jerks.

feeling so demoralized now T.T i think i did super badly for my econs, last in class? D;
okay, i dont actually feel very sad for my exam results cause' its all in past tense, the results already printed black & white -.- i just dont really like people asking me: are you alright? okay anot? dont sad luh!
its not like i'm feeling sad in the first place ._. just that i have a huge motivation to work harder and there comes my serious face = :/
what to do?! i'm born this way~
don't hide yourself in regret,
just love yourself and you're set
i'm on the right track, baby
i was born this way.
i just felt a little irritated at first when i was asked, but later i thought, they were just being kind and caring, why get irritated?! weird ttm man you! >:P thanks guys!
i must start studying hard now, what an irony! saying that i want to work hard and here i am blogging! LOL! XD
okay, after i finish my post, i'll go revise! (Y)

i think i showed my irritated look this morning, felt apologetic for my friends T.T
not that i want to do it, but i really hate it when people pull my bag or anything on my bag that would give me sudden jerks, i hate that feeling! feels so choking ._. and i thinks its dangerous! whats more? my bag would spoil easily, and you know how lazy am i to find another bag that can tahan : laptop; textbook(s); umbrella; waterbottle; pencilbox with loads of rubbish; cables !
-.- i didnt know theres so much rubbish in my bag, LOLLLLL!

these days i've been trying to improve my personality, i hope to be a better person! i want to be the wise-est woman on earth! XD i know thats lame, but its really what i want! i feel bad if i throw tantrum at other people, i really do! so i rather control my temper!
Ah-Di shall be my idol man! her temper like WTFuckingly good lah! HAHAHAHA!
inner peace~

maltesers for being the best speaker for juz-a-minute! <3

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