初二 !

hello !
today's 初二 !
not going anywhere today ,
so , i ended up blog shopping ! 8D
yesterday went to ahma's house to 拜年 !
i thought its would be the same every year ,
but yesterday we had something different !
simon and his newly wed wife brought their new dog , baobei ! 8DD
i was like so happy ?!
its a Shih Tzu
! just like Buffy !
its so adorable ! plus , she was wearing a korean costume ! 8DDD
although she's quite active compared to buffy ! 8D
anyway , i enjoyed alot yesterday !
got loads of angbao , ate scrumptious lunch , played alot
what can be more enjoyable ?!
shall post pictures ! 8)

tuan yuan fan ! 8D
thanks milo papa,milo & jenson(i'm bad at spelling names ! no offence !) for this wonderful gift !
so handsome right ?! XD
at ahma's house 8D

back at ahyi house ! 8D
oops ! i'm not gambling ! i'm just exercising my brains 8D
look how much fun they had ! 8DDD
is kor drunk ?! nah ! he's just sleeping !
okay ! thats all for today !
tomorrow have to go school ?!
sigh ... confirm die .... 8'(
movie mistakes !
sin man~

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