hello !
i finally got a chance to blog !
this few days quite busy ! 8DD
lets start with saturday night ! 8)

went to chinatown
cause dad suddenly have the shopping mood
which is super rare ! the chance is one in a million ! 8P
so , went to eat XO fish head beehoon again ! 8PPP
went around shopping ,
kor said , aiya ! chinatown so big , how to meet mag ?
in the end , we met them while shopping
its like so coincidence lo !
when we were planning to go home ,
we happen to walk to the CNY open ceremony or something
so we saw so many people around the area , then we think
maybe there's going to have second round firecrackers
so we waited , when we walked to the front , kor said dont think there will be second round
so we left
when crossing the road , suddenly theres this guy shouting for police
cause theres this guy maybe did something bad , and running away
but the problem is , those so-called police are traffic police !
in the end , he still got caught by their own people
fascinating experience ! 8I
back to the story ,
when we were on the way to the mrt ,
we heard sound like fireworks ,
when we turn back , we saw some colours & huge amount of smoke
i was like , luckily not firecrackers , otherwise i regret leaving !!
so when we continued walking ,
pi pi piak piak !
argghh ! they chose the correct time to set the crackers !
i sure going to see it one day ! confirm !
no matter what ! 8I

sunday !
nothing much , just spent most of the day sewing tissue pouches for mum & dad !
going to replace ahyi's birthday bunny with tissue pouch !
gonna buy purple cloth asap ! 8D

monday !
school !
sigh ... when mr ramesh came in
somehow i just kept on thinking of 2a2
i just cant make my mind leave 2008 ,
2A2 ! sigh ... 8'(
cant really remember what happen that day ,
hohoho !

tuesday !
typical school ?
three periods of A maths ?!
luckily mr chia let us have sweets ! 8DD
after school , took taxi with dad to SSC
went to daiso ! 8D
bought tea stuffs
went home after that ! 8DD
continue post later ! 8D
sin man~

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