genting photos ! 8D

hotel room !

famous amos ! 8P
famous amos dai yan ren !
childish us .. ! 8D
childish me .. ! 8P
me & jamie !! 8D ( hah ! i'm taller ! YAY )
me & AHYI ! 8D
loving husband&wife ! 8)
stripey father & daughter !
on that day , amazingly , me & my dad wore stripey red
while my bro & mum wore BLACK
hahaha !
i forgot to take photo ! damn ! 8(
but its real nice ! 8D
me & my own luggage ! 8D
daddy mummy 8)
i have three legs ! 8D
complicating roadway !
sleep sleep sleep
my beloved korkor !
AH YI ! 8D
evidence of playing DS ! 8) fun leh !
more photos coming up soon !
got one IMPORTANT post to make first !
going to meet ahbu & ahba to watch madagascar 2 later !
sin man~

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