genting cum kl trip ! 8D

hello !
i'm back from malaysia !
i totally miss the beds there ! D8
alright what happen on the first day ? ........

5 nov , early in the morning took mrt to lavendar
walked to golden mile , eat breakfast then hopped on the bus to genting
it was real fast , played DS with jamie , watch HANNAH MONTANA on the tv
theres so many shows to choose from ,
but i chose hannah montana first ! duh !
watch play eat sleep .
thats the things i do on the bus
damn hilarious ! theres this woman
i think the person in-charge
when we're going up the SPINNING hill to genting ,
she said , '' 我们要关电视了 ''
*poof* the screen off !
wow ! that was fast ..
i expect her to off it a while later
never give us xin li zun bei ?!
then FINALLY reached genting
i was like SO excited !
finally this day arrived !
i think this is the earliest i ever arrived in genting !
1 pm !!!! 8D
theres so much time to spend ! happyhappy !
went to check in , first time stay in first world
quite okay , just cant expect much
its okay with me cause i hardly spend time in the room !
shop eat play
play mates for these five days are * drumroll *
korkor & jamie !
the three of us went to play arcade
at first , we play games for fun ?
then we saw this game called gogo balls
its a single player game
three of us play together
we hit the high score ?
we even took balls from the machine next to it !
cheat games are fun !
play until hand damn pain
then went to find mummy & ahyi
tell them we're still gonna play till dinner time
so went play play play
earn SO MUCH tickets
but we didnt want to change first , cause we're gonna continue the next day !
then went to room , rest ,
then went to meet adults for dinner
ate at hainese restaurant
shop here shop there
they sell hot shot so much cheaper !
cause there's part one & two
their both parts equals to singapore's one part
their prices ~
but i never buy !
cause i scared waste money ! ><
then went room to get my games , DS & psp
then went to coffee bean to surf net
we use other peoples' drank drinks as our props to stay in the cafe
act as if we're the one who drank
then surf until they close
went for supper , ROTI PRATA
cause they have this mid night package
RM5 !
then went hotel sleep

6 nov , eat breakfast
then chiong go buy themepark tickets
indoor + outdoor wholeday , RM51
OMG ?!
cause outdoor theme park open at 10am
so went to kill time at indoor theme park
went for the euro express
super lame roller coaster !
its like mono rail but at a fast speed
but in the end , i still played twice ! 8D
kill time mah !
went for bumper car , so BUMPY !
then finally 10 am
everyone outside the gate CHIONG into the theme park
first ride , CORKSCREW ?!
what ?! for a timid girl like me ?!
bo bian , they want to play
so brace myself
fun though , BUT SCARY !
the thing was like up down , upside down
LOL ?!
i was still in a shock expression when it slowed down
then went for pirate ship
stupid ! it was rusty ! i totally dont have the ticklish feeling !
even escape theme park is better ?! )8
so many thrilling rides close lor !!!
so angry ! finally i decided to play all the thrilling rides ,
they chose to close them !!!!!!!!!!
its a totally waste of money going in lah !
ate pizza hut for lunch
nicer than singapore's
went back in , played flying dragon !
the thing scary cause of the height
i got cut by the thing lah !
i thought its ending , so i let go one of my hand ,
how i know it still have a whole lot more !
it suddenly turn so violently ! ><
i was like WAHHHHHHH !
and then the cut thingy and the ticklish part
cause the pole poke my waist , like as if someone tickle you
played super toboggan
just sliding here and there
then went for ... CYCLONE !
although it seems small ?
BUT !! its s-c-a-r-y ! 8D
i was like screaming the whole time ?
cause it has MANY downs !
then that stupid camera caught my un-glam
the way i scream was super UGLY
BUT kor waste RM12 to buy that un-glam photo !
eeeeeeeeeks ! ><
luckily i'm keeping it now ! shhhhhhh ! 8D
then heavy rain ......!
so went indoors , slacked ..
went to buy cotton candy ( green apple ! yum ! )
then went for the antique car ride !
damn fun !
is the way we play fun
me and jamie were like drivers and kor was the passenger !
lol ?!
the fun part is , we were like trying to spoil the car !
we even stop to see how the behind people react at the waterfall
they thought we want to wave and say hello to them , they waved back ?!
THEN heavy rain again ......
so we gave up and went to arcade to play
we went to play the gogo balls again !
damn fun !
although our hands are still pain
then went to walk around while resting ,
played bowling , shooting games ,
then saw these three boys , so alike us !
play cheat games !
hello cheaters ! 8D
we were like laughing and laughing
then they let us play
its just 6 wolfs
pop up and we had to hit them
so the three of us , each person take two wolfs
kept on hitting
we managed to get ther highest score !! 8DDD
tickets tickets tickets !
play finish the money inside the card
then went to the ticket eater to count our tickets !
952 tickets ! in less than two days ?! awesome ! 8D
then went to change stuffs
eeeeee ! the stuffs not as good as last time ! 8(
change the stuffs we want , then gave the left over tickets to a little boy ! 8)
then kor went to refund the card
redeemed 3 tokens free cause they give a coupon when we bought the theme park tickets !
so we went to play the coin game ,
just drop the coins and aim ?
then more tokens will drop out ?
so we used up the 3 tokens
we worked together , and earned ourselfs 24 tickets !
easy peasy !
changed a whistle and went for dinner

then went to walk around ,
then chionged the indoor theme park
cause we wasted our money in outdoor
so we must make ourself useful in indoor !
played almost all the rides , ehem , correction ! all the LAME rides !
played the euro express
waited for more than half an hour for just a ride which last less than a minute ?!
actually it could be our turn in less than the time we waited
but theres so many people cutting queue
what the heck !
damn angry that time
i just couldnt control , i said , '' wahlao ! cutcutcut ! might as well we all cut ! even more fun right ? ''
i dont know why i could say them so loud !
i guess i was really angry that time ?
but watch mr bean makes us happy
then went for other rides
we played the reindeer ride !
jamie scared of this ride ?!
she is really abnormal , all the thrilling rides not scared
but this kind of super slow rides she scared !
cause of the height i guess
then played the swan thingy
the floating above , can stand inside ! 8D
we were like acting like presidents
waving at people
'' please support PAP ! please support PAP ! ''
the people below looked at us ?
i bet they think we're siao ! 8D
played till 11 plus , went to eat marrybrown till 12 am
yippeeee ! indoor closes at 12 ! so we did make ourselves useful ! 8)
then went home to watch tv till 2am ! geesh! i can stay up until so late ?
wow wow wow ! 8D

7 nov , morning went for breakfast , then went back hotel to pack
play DS with jamie !
so incredible !
we managed to connect even though we're in different rooms !
we open the window and connect ! 8D
its difficult to describe in words !
i try to find the photo ! 8)
then went to take taxi to KL ?!
first time take taxi from genting to KL !
its even faster than bus ! 8D
i slept all the way ! * saliver dripping .. *
oops ! i didnt mean it ! i just cant close my mouth ! XD
then reached there around 1 pm
my room wasnt done yet , so went to put our stuffs in jamie's room !
went to eat lunch then went sungei wang ! 8D
shop around , cant find any school shoes ! 8(
i found .... * drumroll * HUAMAMA !
yipeeeee !
i wanted to buy the doll , but there isnt new one
so after choosing very long , i chose to buy the wallet !
next time go malaysia , i sure find huamama ! 8D
its cheaper than singapore lor ! 8)
then went shopping ? i kinda mixed up on what we do
then eat dinner at the steam boat thingy
there was a nymph on my table crawling around ! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKSSSSS !
i quickly took my bowl and run away ,
luckily kor help me sweep it away ! 8D
my hero ! hahahahahaha
by the time we finish eating , its already 9 plus !
the shops are closing ..
so went cold storage then went home ?
kor went to watch the coffin !!!
i want to watch , but i kinda scared ...
you know .. hotel.. malaysia ... not my home ..
no security !
went home to watch tv better ! 8D

8 nov , ate roti chanai / prata for breakfast
wanted to go twin tower
cause we saw it through our hotel window
its quite close
plus , uncle said we could reach in 15 mins time
how did we know , IT SOOOOO FAR
so we gave up cause we saw a new shopping centre !
cant resist from shopping ! 8D
the shopping centre's quite nice
kor say its like different singapore shopping centre mix together !
hahahaha !
i love static-ing people ! especially ! jamie !
then went ti Lot 10
their Iseatan and SG's Iseatan are quite different ?
their stuffs are cheaper !
nothing much in anyway ,
so we head on to Plaza Low Yat
digital place
its like Sim Lim Square
so crowded
then went coffee bean to drink & wait for kor to buy stuffs !
nice !
then went back Times Square shop and then bought marrybrown for dinner back to hotel
at first we wanted to go eat Bak Kut Teh
but we want to play theme park
so called jamie to eat together
then went to theme park
RM 43 ?! price grown higher ! 8(
first thing we played , choo choo train ?!
we go into the glow in the dark cave
actually ... its a kiddy ride ! XD
then went for the doom ride !
the roller coaster !
the super big one ! 8I
scared ...
i was like mute when i sat in the roller coaster
cause i expect it to be VERYVERYVERY SCARY !
even the sound of the safety bar coming down is scary
but to my .. ? its not scary ?
only the twisting part its scary ?
to my SURPRISE !
the BIG loop isnt scary at all
cause its toooooo fast to feel anything
we sat four time
the first time i sat ,
i was screaming ALL THE WAY
and my eyes we closed all the way
so i didnt know there was a camera
so the expression is the same as the ... cyclone ... -.-
luckily , kor didnt buy it this time !
then went to play again !
went for bumper car after that
then went for this thingy
its like two thing swing ?
its like inverter ( escape theme park )
but its MUCH MUCH taller
nice ! ticklish though !
kor was like laughing all the way !
that , we sat 3 or 4 times ?
then we for the big spinning thing?
like a screw
nothing much , just quite high
played till 9.30pm then went to buy secret recipe for supper
nice !
then pack here pack there
sleep time !
9 nov , went to eat bak kut teh for breakfast
then went last minute shopping
bought lots of stuffs ?
then went back hotel to pack again !
then went to check out
ate old town white coffee for lunch
then went to take our bus
the bus is much lousier than before !
my tv keep on hanging !
arggh !
but the journey was so fast !
sobs ~
my trip end so fast !
now i have this SUPER sian feeling ... D;
i want to go back !
even though its quite sian also
but better than alone at home ~
now , i have nothing to count down to ...
SIGH ....
but ! i finally type finish !
okay !
post the pictures later !
sin man~

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