sorry shirlyn for late doing quiz~!

shirlyn asked me to do this
but at first didnt understand how this quiz works
so left it aside ; sorry shirlyn~!
but then, figured it out after reading hf's blog~!
A) people who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs &
replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B) tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse.
these people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag
the person whom they were tagged by.continue this game by sending it to other people.

01 if your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?

02 if you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
every birthday wish to come true~

03 if a stranger needs help by the road , would you help them?
OF COURSE! then jian si bu jiu ma??!!

04 what kind of home do you think is suitable for living?
a warm & loving home

05 would you dislike people who wears ugly?
depends~ different people have different taste~

06 which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
being loved by someone and show love to that person~

07 do u like hunks or cute people like L & Hiro ?
both i guess~~!

08 is fashion important?

09 is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
of course !

10 is being tagged fun?
yup !

11 how do you see yourself in ten years time?
hello ~ mortal here~~ not physic ~~

12 who are currently the most important people to you?

13 what kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
normal person ? what more do you want me to say?

14 do you like animals?
ohh yes i do !

15 what's the first thing you do every morning?
scold my alarm clock?

16 would you sacrifice your family time to enjoy with friends?
maybe yes OR maybe NOT! =]

17 what is the thing that you cant bear to leave it aside?
something that someone asks you to put aside

18 what type of friends do you like?`
true and caring friends

19 what type of people do you dislike?
enemies ; people who doesnt help people in need ; bullies !

this quiz was from ; shirlyn
lucky people who get tag are :
if you think you're lucky today, do it!

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