found hong bao in converse bag?!!

posting due to boredem, again
after sienyee's advertising for sky of love
went to watch the movie
starting was okok
cause the story abit rush and cramp
but like what they say
the last part was the best part of the story
the part when she hug the dairy
somehow, i cried?!
wth? i seldom cry for such stuffs sia!
maybe its because i'm watching alone?
maybe maybe~
nice show~
found 4 hongbaos in my converse bag sia~!
so damn shocking !
i was like packing my bag yesterday
then i wanted to put my stationaries into the back pocket
then found 2 of them
i was like, when did i get hongbaos?
then gave mummy the money
then went back packing, found another 2 ??!!
then recalled that the hongbaos were from my aunties
for my birthday present
i didnt know i brought so much money around
even if i lost them, i wouldnt have found out either
gtg construction site liao~
sin man~

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