i m writin to make up 4 yesterdae!!
happie teacher's dae!!
2dae ish a great dae sia..
we start of wif de aces dae run..
we run(actually walked n jogged, alittle run)
a big run in Khatib..
so bored..
we talked , sing, play while walkin..
aft de long walk,
we went in to sch through the door at de fitness corner..
me n mavis so happi to see the fitness corner cos long time no play..
den i just did a pull up
n went to walk wif dem to the parade sq..
saw some ppl restin dere..
den i went to refilled my water bottle
n ran up to de hall to meet for the escortin of teacher
tokin abt escortin,
my teacher hu i escort ish..
(drum roll)
mdm yang wen li!
i dunno her at all sia!
somore wan me to escort her!
now i noe more tchers..
den i went to find my tcher..
we w8ed 4 awhile
den we went out..
it was our turn to walk le..
i told de teacher politely,
" lao shi, qing zou.."
den gave a smile =)
den i wave my hand upwards a little to show her the way,
she tot i wan to hold her hand,
den she grab my hand
start walkin!!!!!!
*pai seh*
*blushin inside*
i waas lyk so shocked
hold barhs..
den de concert..
it wasn't interestin..
i sat dere quietly as i was not sittin wif my class..
i den was dismissed n den i went to post tcher's dae cards hu i made 4
in to dier pigeon holes..
so fun..
lyk post man..
den aft w8in for hf to call her frd,
i cheong to my yps
den i saw mavis,
den i ask her whr ish wan hsien dey all,
den i went opp cos i saw hf,
den me, mavis, hf cheongd to pri sch..
i i run to interchange aft takin mrt..
saw nigel(yps senior)
we took same bus, go same sch..
den i went to pri sch!!!
so happi to see my tchers!!
i gav dem presents..
sori i nvr gib all teacher presents..
i no money..
den i went to find ms anita(married le..)
i too used to call her miss anita cos she teach me for 3 yrs!!
she pregnant n 9 mths le!!
its gurl!!
i so excited 4 her
got more.. goin to continue in nxt writin..

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