using nokia E75

using nokia E75 to blog now ! 8D feels like when ahbu got her new phone , she blogged that time ! HAHA !went to expo today for robinson sale , SOUND SO AUNTY !!! 8P wanted to buy esprit jeans , but looking at the queue , my hand immediately raise white flag . oO the queue was FREAKING long ! So, we went to plaza sing to shop ard, 8D my fav. hangout ! Shared hot dog mashed potato with ahbu , went to mac to rest . Etude house finally came to SG !!! Wooohoo! Saw this shop at KL & JB , so pinkish 8D went home after shopping , SUAY man ! i thought wont rain , but who knows ! So , borrowed shimin,s umbrella ! tHANKS ALOT ! 8D now i'm typing blindly ! Ahhhhh i'm a 3 blind mice relative ! 8D there's this show called dont know what scariest places on earth , this dumb people go those haunted castle , say not scared , then go in there freak out -.- scary ! Goodnight ! *snores*

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