初二 !

hello !
today's 初二 !
not going anywhere today ,
so , i ended up blog shopping ! 8D
yesterday went to ahma's house to 拜年 !
i thought its would be the same every year ,
but yesterday we had something different !
simon and his newly wed wife brought their new dog , baobei ! 8DD
i was like so happy ?!
its a Shih Tzu
! just like Buffy !
its so adorable ! plus , she was wearing a korean costume ! 8DDD
although she's quite active compared to buffy ! 8D
anyway , i enjoyed alot yesterday !
got loads of angbao , ate scrumptious lunch , played alot
what can be more enjoyable ?!
shall post pictures ! 8)

tuan yuan fan ! 8D
thanks milo papa,milo & jenson(i'm bad at spelling names ! no offence !) for this wonderful gift !
so handsome right ?! XD
at ahma's house 8D

back at ahyi house ! 8D
oops ! i'm not gambling ! i'm just exercising my brains 8D
look how much fun they had ! 8DDD
is kor drunk ?! nah ! he's just sleeping !
okay ! thats all for today !
tomorrow have to go school ?!
sigh ... confirm die .... 8'(
movie mistakes !
sin man~


hello !
祝你们,新年快乐,身体健康,笑口常开,学业进步, 大福大贵, etc. !
(i know i wrote some on new year , but now is CHINESE new year ! 8P)
i guess most chinese are eating 团圆饭 ?
tomorrow going to ahma house ! YAY
红包 ! WO LAI LE !

nothing much to post le ! so i shall do some slapdash stuffs
thanks ahbu for lending labixiaoxin !
they're in good condition ! 8D
old curtains !
hand-made by mum !
this year ! probably in my memories ,
first time buying curtains !
the orange dad's friend drew for him !
magic .
these tissue pouches were hand-made by me ! 8P
maths are getting tougher by the day ! 8(
EL homework are piling up ...
and finally , daddy bought the hello kitty ! 8DDDD
YAY ! thanks dad ! 8))
thats the end of the slapdash post ! 8P
movie mistakes
movie mistakes
movie mistakes
new year special ! 3 mistakes at once ! 8DD
sin man~

hello !
sigh , i cant find my passport photo !
arrgghhh ! the photos take twice , both dont know put where !
wth ?!
i guess i have thrown it away with my other rubbish when i clear my room
school today was ... i dont know , typical ?
laughing non stop is now a typical thing to do EVERYDAY
its just part of our lifes !
okay ! gotta go amk !
sin man~

nothing to post ! 8(

hello !
now theres like nothing for me to post !
our class blog is like so ... busy ?
hoho !
like everyday have updates !
now i'm very lazy to post ,
later still need to go tuition
i'm afraid of a maths !
okay !
movie mistakes
gotta go !
sin man~

1 week never post ! 8I

hello !
its been a week since i online ! 8I
the feeling is such a ... torture !
school is quite okay ,
lots of laughter everyday !
YAY ! i can live longer !
class blog , http://the-extraordinaryclass.blogspot.com/
should put the blogskin pink colour !
pink rocks !
talking about pink , i need a new pink pencil box !
and a pink bottle !
so that i got a whole set of pink stuffs ! 8DD
nothing much to post already !
i just wanna say i'm starting to miss those doggies !
too bad i cant attend the gathering ! 8(
but at least they had fun !!
okay !
movie mistakes
movie mistakes
sin man~


hello !
today ... school ?
nothing much ,
i wonder how many bees want to invade our class
its been the second time this week ! 8I
its like so big and disgusting !

later gonna go spotlight with mum
buy cloth ! 8DD
sin man~


hello !
i finally got a chance to blog !
this few days quite busy ! 8DD
lets start with saturday night ! 8)

went to chinatown
cause dad suddenly have the shopping mood
which is super rare ! the chance is one in a million ! 8P
so , went to eat XO fish head beehoon again ! 8PPP
went around shopping ,
kor said , aiya ! chinatown so big , how to meet mag ?
in the end , we met them while shopping
its like so coincidence lo !
when we were planning to go home ,
we happen to walk to the CNY open ceremony or something
so we saw so many people around the area , then we think
maybe there's going to have second round firecrackers
so we waited , when we walked to the front , kor said dont think there will be second round
so we left
when crossing the road , suddenly theres this guy shouting for police
cause theres this guy maybe did something bad , and running away
but the problem is , those so-called police are traffic police !
in the end , he still got caught by their own people
fascinating experience ! 8I
back to the story ,
when we were on the way to the mrt ,
we heard sound like fireworks ,
when we turn back , we saw some colours & huge amount of smoke
i was like , luckily not firecrackers , otherwise i regret leaving !!
so when we continued walking ,
pi pi piak piak !
argghh ! they chose the correct time to set the crackers !
i sure going to see it one day ! confirm !
no matter what ! 8I

sunday !
nothing much , just spent most of the day sewing tissue pouches for mum & dad !
going to replace ahyi's birthday bunny with tissue pouch !
gonna buy purple cloth asap ! 8D

monday !
school !
sigh ... when mr ramesh came in
somehow i just kept on thinking of 2a2
i just cant make my mind leave 2008 ,
2A2 ! sigh ... 8'(
cant really remember what happen that day ,
hohoho !

tuesday !
typical school ?
three periods of A maths ?!
luckily mr chia let us have sweets ! 8DD
after school , took taxi with dad to SSC
went to daiso ! 8D
bought tea stuffs
went home after that ! 8DD
continue post later ! 8D
sin man~

new furniture ! 8DD

hello !
today , ahyi's & jiujiu's furniture are coming !
so , now here i am with mum waiting with ahyi for the furniture
say they will come at ard 10am to 12pm
dont know whether they will do the same thing like last time
12 then come ?
hope not !
they sure bought loads of stuffs

nothing to do now , shall write what movies i wanna watch !
hotel for dogs !
marley and me !
Hannah Montana The Movie !
inkheart !

Love Matters ! 8DD
Yes Man !
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian !
The Pink Panther !
Harry Potter !
The Wolf Man !
thats all for now i guess ! 8DDD
movie mistakes !
sin man~

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