Mixed Feelings.

I am SUPER DUPER EXTREMELY addicted to this dance! Its like the coolest among the dance central songs (dont count those that you have to download, those are way better :P)
I wanna master this dance :D Have been persuading how fun and good is Kinect to mum, LOL !

Today I OVERSLEPT AGAIN! Damn shit man! Was supposed to meet yap and ku at yishun mrt at 9am, and yap called me at 9.05 asking me where am I. I was in my dream -.- So had to travel to Expo alone LOL! I think I was too tired that I didnt hear my phone rang -.- SO.... I need a new POWERFUL alarm clock and not depend on my handphone.
Looked forward to work, play around will getting the booth ready! Now I dare to goof around alr man! Wing turn hard alr! HEHEHE! But I still do my work okay! Suddenly, uncle collin say cannot sell kinect x.x because of conflict with Harvey. Sucks big time man! Its not like you're the only shop that can sell Kinect right! SIAN. So after they discussed, they say its better to pack up now since no point alr :( So....... our efforts are TOTALLY wasted :( All the hard work we put in to set up the place which was way bigger than all the events I did before. S.I.G.H.... Also felt sad because I have lesser time to play with them! Could have said Byebye to them on Sunday, but have to be brought forward to today :( Will miss them, cant wait to work for the next fair! Huini said 21-23 have another fair! I WANT! :P Playing with Chelsea can be real fun you know? HEAH HEAH! Seven days working at Cineleisure totally memorable. Worked with Leticia, Germaine, Daven, Terence, Huini, Chelsea, Jeffrey, Uncle Jeffrey, Uncle Collin, Aunty Anne :D FUN FUN FUN! tired also luh! but worth it! :D

I think its a good thing I have two days of rest before camp! But apparently, my two days are still occupied! LOLLL!
Saturday: Shop for my FleshImp bag
Sunday: Go in Malaysia
Monday- Wednesday: Camp
Thursday: Special mission
Friday - sunday: Rest? I hope!
MONDAY  START OF SCHOOL... SIAN MAXXZXZXZXZ! With my shitty sucky timetable
Shall sleep early when I got the chance to, NIGHTS! :)


Today's the fifth day at cineleisure! I kinda starting to like this job a lot! Its more like playing than working! I think we're spending 85% TALKING PLAYING EATING and 15% working LOL! Seriously shiok! :P And I'm starting to get used to playing games infront of people! WOOTS! I didnt know kinect have so many  mini games! ITS FREAKING FUN! especially the Leedmees, fucking funny when terence played!

Xuhong, daven, me, uncle jeffrey was like laughing our asses off! LOL! He was supposed to bring the cute lilliputians to the other side, then he gave up and start stepping on them! A group of guys behind us was laughing damn loud! LOL! i swear its damn funny! LOL! Its more funny seeing him killing them than helping them! XD
I think I will miss working with them after this sunday! :( Need to wait until my next holiday SIAN! Must cherish the time now! WOOHOO! :P I am going to be super tired after sunday, how to go for camp?! x.x die. Only solution: Red Bull Gives You Wings ~
Looking forward to work tomorrow! Shall go and watch tv! TTFN :P

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