mrs zaidi SUCKS !

hhiiee !
yesterday was a total literature-rific !
its like AWESOME ; SUPERB !
just cant describe ?
although the props may lose to other classes..
most important is the actings
haha !
i love the fighting scene !
its the best !
yesterday , i've turned into a 2a2 photographer !
took a video of the lit play !
although it isnt well taken cause i kept on moving around
but at least still able to view it !
so enjoy it later !
btw ! mrs zaidi LOST HER NERVES !
she is total goof !
this type of LOUSY marks also can give R&J ?!
are you sleeping or are you plain dumb ?
i just dont understand !
oh yeah ! i forgot to announce the answers !
its rat ; horse ; tiger ; horse [ respectively ! ]
kk !
sin man ~

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