totally boredem~!

today's morning started boring
mdm yuan say today was shi jie shu xiang ri or something
so we have to read an article she gives
then we can revise
then was maths
went through maths pp 1
going to miss ms ong
u have a great teacher talent~
then was history
did revision worksheet
then went for recess
didnt bring my wang wang xiao man tou!!
then went for english
went to borrow EPE from Rachel
then 2 periods just did oral practice~
its obvious she's taking her own sweet time
letting time pass, cos she got nth much to give us do
then went for art
edited my art
then went for science
learnt chapter 7
then went to eat lunch
me n michelle copy amanda, or should we say mo fang
n she call us SF! lol
then went for EL oral
so happy cause its about fashion!!
then she ask what do you think about fashion now
then told her now fashion is very daring bla bla bla
then told her my dream is to be a fashion designer
bla bla
then went out
regretted for saying something wrong
then went to the corridoor with sien yee n chunkit n ee tzer
to w8 for wan hsien n huafeng
then somehow, we started saying ghost stories
and true missing ppl stories
hope i can sleep well tonight~
then went home~
sin man~

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