saturdae fireworks...

i m writin to make up for last saturdae...
always make up for another dae..lolx.
i went to see the fireworks last sat.
mani ppl noe tat dere is fireworks festival for last fridae n saturdae rite?
dae one i tink is from France n dae two is from China..
not veri sure..
but i went out of hse at 11.45am n return hm at 11 plus.. i tink.. not sure..lolx
wow.. i was veri tired..
i was veri happi cos i can go out shop shop..yay..=.=..
we went to eat n shop at Suntec City
i saw a shop where dey sell bears n bear clothes..

u can make ur own bear over there..
the price is quite reasonable
compared to Berjaya Time Square..
I realli wan to make my own bear lor..
N buy new clothes for it!!
den walked to Marina Bay foodcourt de balcony to try our luck
whether is dere any space for us to seat n watch the fireworks at nite..
to no avail
we w8ed beri long but no one gib way..
so we decided to go to the NDP dere..
We chose a goody seat to njoy..
my bro den went to buy macdonalds for dinner...
we sat there n ate our dinner.
i den w8ed till 9 pm for just a stupid "piu" "piu" fireworks..
after the finale
we hab to squeeze out of the crowd n walked a distance of two bus-stop..
even though its not tiring..lolx
ai ya..
overall i just hav great fun la..
i gtg le

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