HAPPY 2014!


I have been wanting to blog for the past few days but I just didn't had the time! (nah I was just being lazy) So here I am! Writing the first post in 2014! WOOHOO! YAHOOO! YEAHHHH \m/ Come on! Show some enthusiasm! It's a new year! :D I'm really excited yet scared for the new year! I'm soon entering a new phase // Uni or work? It's really something I've been thinking for the past few MONTHS! I know for sure I had to get a degree, but should I continue pursuing a degree which I know I will struggle BIG TIME? My past three years in Accountancy was a torture! Not because of my friends whatsoever, but because of the course itself! I'm seriously not up to being an accountant U.U I should have taken some biology-related course -.- Regrets regrets, no point bringing those up. Next issue would be... Will I be able to afford the costly Uni fees? x.x Many people say, it isn't tough to study in Singapore, but it's tough to pay for your education. True enough. Alright, enough about worries!! Screw them :P Let's move on to HOW I SPENT MY NEW YEAR'S EVE :D

As usual, I had to go for work, but only for 4 HOURS YEAH!! So apparently my buddy went on leave and I had to ask for work from other people! Did some admin work and time passed real quickly (that's the best part). So in a blink of an eye, it's 12.30pm! Amrin, Gladys, Syafiqah and myself decided to explore Golden Shoe hawker! That was one of the places in my list of places I want to explore by the end of my ITP. Sadly, it was rather disappointing... I'm not sure whether it's because it's new year's eve that's why most stalls we closed. Or is it just like this even on normal days? I ate Hainanese Curry Rice and it was terrible. I ordered omelete, braised white cabbage and braised lion head. Their curry was bleh and the ingredients were just average. I'm going to give Golden Shoe another chance and try their Nasi Lemak since they were famous for it! 

After a short lunch, all of us headed home while Amrin, as usual, headed for the gym! I was planning to do some cardio then after, continue on Yijun's birthday video! However, Yijun video-making took me ages to complete! I thought adding music wouldn't be time consuming. Yeah I'm half-right though! It was the finding of the music to suit that scene that was time-consuming! I finally got it done after 4-5 hours and headed over to my uncle's house for dinner while leaving my computer on to upload the video! Finally met Sze Him after such a long time! He's my uncle's friend who's from Hong Kong and he'll be staying till Sunday :D Had a short but great catch-up session with him :)

Very quickly, I went home for a bath before heading out to meet those kiddos! By saying Kiddos, I meant Chungzheng, Jiamin, Jingsheng, Yeshze, Yijun, Yirong and Zhenxi :D (realise it's in alphabetical order? I'm really good with my alphabets now and don't ask why). We took a bus to Jingsheng's house and played around awhile before going to Sembawang Park to COUNTDOWN TO 2014 \m/ We took Boy Boy (JS's dog) out together with us! Finally got a chance to walk-a-dog, a great experience indeed! ^^

Surprisingly Sembawang Park was quite crowded! So we found a spot to lay our tiny mat and had a small picnic! Heart-warming :) Fireworks from different areas in Johor started popping half hour before 12am! We were quite far from it so it looked quite small! Yeshze said it looks like pimple bursting LOLLLL! At 11.59pm, a guy announced to us, "ONE MORE MINUTE". All of us was getting hyped up and stuff, the next thing we know, ITS 2014! WE DID NOT EVEN DO THE 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1!!! CRY ME A RIVER! T.T Oh well, happy new year guys. yay. woohoo! I think we're the noisiest group amongst the crowd. We tried shouting HAPPY NEW YEAR! No one gave a shit about it -.- We looked silly back then sighpie. 

After which we headed to the playground which looked like a sunken pirate ship. I must say the playgrounds nowadays are getting more and more challenging and fun! It's more like an obstacle course than a playground lol. Climbing up was challenging! I'm getting old. ._. So all of us went to play while Yeshze looked after our belongings and of course, Boy Boy! She's really like our mother :D While we were playing, Boy Boy looked really eager to join us but we couldn't let him play with us because there were sand all over and we were worried that the sand would get in his eyes mouth ears asshole his little one etc. So yeap, it was a nono to bring him aboard! Looking at his face when he couldn't join us was really saddening so I decided to bring him for a walk around the park! :D I finally got to feel how an owner feels while bringing their dogs around and people saying, "hey got dog leh!" Sadly, Boy Boy isn't mine~

So we headed back to JS house, all dirty and sticky and gross. But we still did our usual camworing before taking turns to take a bath! His sofas are amazingly comfy to sleep on! But my back gets a little achey afterwards cause I'm not lying down straight~ I guess my body don't suit to sleep on something too comfy haha! Did I mention Boy Boy slept next to me? HAPPYYYYYYY! One of my wish was to sleep with a dog! yay! But it wasn't as great as I thought lol! All his fur, his licking, his alertness started to annoy me when I'm literally exhausted HAHA! Luckily it only lasted for a little while (phew)!

So that actually sums up my New Year's Eve! It may not sound as exciting as bungy jumping or skydiving or robbing banks, but to me, the most important thing is the great company and the fun I had with this kiddos :) A great start for my 2014 and I hope you guys and I will have a great year ahead! Ciaos! 


So here we go! Part 2 :D

My second Christmas celebration was of course with my dear yap tan lee :D It's more like a catch-up session cause all of us didn't had the time to get Christmas presents! But why need presents?! They're one of the best gifts I had ;)

Our non-stop chattering began ever since we saw each other. I mean literally NON-STOP. Lol! After choosing for quite a long time, we decided to settle our dinner at Nonya & Baba Peranakan Cuisine at Vivocity! We ordered Sambal KangKong (my all-time favourite), Crayfish, Babi Ponteh! All tasted quite good but I still prefer the Babi Ponteh my mum cooked :D soooo goooood!

Look at how our dear Miss Yap handle a piece of cake LOLLL

A simple and wonderful night spent with them, I love this kind of simple moments with them! Just made me feel happy deep down in my heart :) Can't wait to travel with them! Hope we can plan a perfect one ^^


Oh! Did I mention I went town with Yijun Zhenxi Yirong Jiamin before meeting the girls?? :P

So... yirong decided to get a gladiator belt!



"Hmmm, does this suit me?"

"I think it does!"

"Yeah man! I finally found the right one!"

"I'm sooo getting it."

-Welcome to the Garden OOTD-

-Flowers and leaves-

(please pardon my lameness U.U)

First time trying Smoothie King! MmmmmMMmmmmmM

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